Is my child too shy for the test?

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  • This topic has 5 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 4 years ago by Bpmommy.
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    • #11588 Reply

      Does anyone have experience with a very shy but very bright child? I’m worried the test is going to go poorly because my kiddo just won’t talk when meeting new people. Eventually he warms up, but the test proctors won’t wait forever. Sometimes he’ll choose the wrong answer on purpose just to see what we do. What can we do to prepare him and help him have fun with the test and the new person? I know there are a lot of smart introverts out there, but I’m worried the test favors extroverts.

    • #11590 Reply

      Have talk to people who work at the grocery store ask them about the fruit or snacks, talk to the mail people when they deliver the mail, if you go to local bakery have him talk to the or person at the register, If you go for walk stop and talk to the fireman at firehouse.

      One method I use on my children to ask about their day is not to do it directly. Ask them who made you laugh today?, who did you sit next to for lunch ( or close by before Cov-19), and etc., I would also take them to the park and play and then ask small questions about school, throw rocks in the water ask about the waves with big rocks and little rocks the sounds, and etc.,

      What I found was when I ask them directly about school how was their day? , or what did they learn? I got same one word dead pan OK , or I didnt learn anything today, nothing much, boring and so on conversion was dead on arrival.

    • #11592 Reply

      I worried about this as well because my child is the same way. I think many other parents are in this boat as well. Mine did go though the testing process for early entry to k (we chose not to send her early). She went into the room with the phycologist for 45 min and came out smiling and said she had fun. She got a 99.9, 99.9, and 99.7 on the three sub tests. I’m hoping when she takes the SEES test this fall they can get her to warm up just as easily.

    • #11599 Reply

      Thanks for the reply. It’s comforting to know we’re not the only introverts! @bpmommy, can you explain more about the early test? She tested well and was invited to start kindergarten early, but at an open enrollment school, not gifted? Or did you do early test and gifted test in the same year? Do you know what she was tested on?

    • #11600 Reply

      OP, we didn’t put an selective enrollment schools on the application. As a matter of fact we were pretty sure that we didn’t want to send her early, and went back and forth the week before the test about if we should even bother doing it since we had to miss a St Patrick’s Day party. If we had put selective enrollment on the app, she would then have had to do a second round of the standard gifted testing with the other incoming Kindergarteners.  We did list several neighborhood schools on the list, so we got to play along in the wait list game for 2020-2021. She did get an offer at another neighborhood school that we declined, and she could have also shown up the first day of school at our neighborhood school.

      My child didn’t tell me what was on the test. But there were three sections and three scores given. Cognitive, math, and reading. My child was 4 years and 3 months at the time and a pretty strong reader. Self taught. At one point we tried doing one of those how to read In 100 lessons book, but she didn’t want anything to do with it. I doubt that they actually had her reading anything that young, but I know her foundational skills are solid from preschool.  Letter sounds, rhymes, etc. Math was the one 99.7 she got instead of the 99.9 on other sections. She could do some addition at the time, but not sure what they tested her on. Not sure what the cognitive section was on either but she had always been advanced at legos, reasoning, and was doing 100 piece puzzles when she was 2.5, so it was nothing we prepped her for anything. I wish we knew! She came out smiling saying she had fun and didn’t want to talk about the questions. I’m just mentioning all this because I know her foundational skills were solid, and we didn’t practice anything in particular.

      Now that we are almost to the end of Sept, I’m glad we don’t enroll her because she is enjoying in person preschool.

    • #11601 Reply

      Also, because they are child phycologists administrating the tests I’m assuming that a big part of the training and education is getting these children to open up. That’s just my two cents.

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