CPS Notification Dates for 2025-2026 Elementary & High School Results

GoCPS announced that results for the 2025-2026 school year application will be released in the GoCPS portal on:

March 14, 2025 for 9th grade (high school) offers and
April 11, 2025 for Kindergarten through 8th grade (elementary school) offers.

Students can receive one offer each for Choice and Selective Enrollment programs and their neighborhood school is always an option. There will be an opportunity to tour offered programs and then a deadline to accept or decline their offer(s). A Rolling Waitlist will go into effect after that time. Good luck to students!

The deadline for Selective Enrollment Elementary applicants who have not tested yet and need to request a resheduled date is Feb 2, 2025. Last day for Kindergarten SEES testing is Feb 21, 2025 and last day for 1st-8th grade SEES testing is Feb 16, 2025. Email [email protected] or call 773-553-2060 to reschedule.

2025-2026 GoCPS K-9th Application Deadline now 12/15/24

Families have more time to apply to next year’s Kindergarten through 9th grade Chicago Public School (CPS) programs via the online portal at https://www.apply.cps.edu/. The new deadline is Sunday, December 15, 2024 at 5pm.

Helpful resources for understanding the application process can be found at: https://www.cps.edu/gocps/resources/

Elementary (Kindergarten to 8th grade) resources are at https://www.cps.edu/gocps/resources/elementary-school-resources/ and families should check out GoCPS’s webinar on the 2025-2026 Elementary process HERE.

High School (9th grade) resources are at https://www.cps.edu/gocps/resources/high-school-resources/ and families can view the GoCPS webinar on 2025-2026 High School applications HERE. For high school transfers into 10th-12th grade, contact each individual high school for information.

Preschool applications for 3 and 4 year olds are on a separate timeline and do not open until April 2025 for the 2025-2026 school year. Check out the preschool website at https://www.cps.edu/ChicagoEarlyLearning/

GoCPS Changes for 2025-2026 Elementary Admissions Process

CPS announced a change to their elementary “Choice” admissions process that will require RANKING up to 20 Choice options, instead of just listing 20 with no order. That means a family can only get up to ONE Choice program AND up to ONE Selective Enrollment program in additional to their guaranteed neighborhood school. Preliminary info was released in this email: https://mailchi.mp/cps.edu/gocps-monthly-memo-for-school-leaders-administrators-17584631?e=8f974d4b4b

ES Choice Single Best Offer:

Another important update for the upcoming application cycle is that the elementary choice selections process is moving to the single best offer model.

This is the model currently in place for all other GoCPS programs (Selective Enrollment Elementary Schools, Grade 9, and PreK admissions. Please see below for further information on the process.

How It Works:

Students select up to 20 choice programs they want to include on their application AND RANK them in order of preference.

They will be considered for all programs on the application and receive up to 1 offer from the highest-ranked program for which they qualify, based on seat availability, their status for the specific program’s selection process (such as lottery number or priority preferences), and the status of other students who applied to those programs.

Students who receive offers will be placed on the waitlist for all programs that are ranked higher than the one they received an offer to.

The decision to implement the single best offer model for Elementary Choice is rooted in making the process as equitable and straightforward for families as possible. Please be sure to rank your choice programs in order of preference and apply to schools that are of interest for you and your child. If you have questions about the ranking process for elementary school choice programs, please sign up for one of our trainings. “


They also changed their portal from SchoolMint to EnrollWise, so all families will need to create a new account in EnrollWise for 2025-2026 applications.

2024 Hidden Gems High School Fair 9/29/24 @ 1-4pm

“Hidden Gems” Public & Private
Chicago High School Fair

Sunday, September 29, 2024 from 1-4pm

Bennett Day School
955 W. Grand, Chicago, IL 60642 

Register Now!

Admission is only $20/family with pre-registration
($30/family at the door)
Need-based vouchers are available upon request.

View our growing list of 2024 schools and resources HERE 

Knowing how to cast your net wide and increase your options is KEY to a successful Chicago high school search. Join Chicago School GPS as we bring together over 35 participating public, private and boarding high schools & resources, each with unique qualities that you may not have known about prior to coming to our Hidden Gems Fair.  PLUS, you can meet helpful resource vendors and partake in informative breakout sessions that will give you clarity on the high school process.  Join us for an afternoon designed to make your high school journey a successful one!

Program begins at 1pm with high schools showcasing what makes them unique, and breakout sessions begin at 2pm.  Fair ends at 4pm.

Our invaluable breakout sessions offer insights for Middle School Parents and Students on topics such as:

  • Navigating the private & public high school admissions process
  • High School Entrance Exam Insights (includes CPS HSAT, HSPT & ISEE)
  • Private school scholarship opportunities & resources
  • International Baccalaureate Programs Demystified
  • Why You Should Consider Boarding Schools
  • Executive Functioning Strategies (tentative)

Tours of the hosting school will be available from 12pm-1pm.

Thank You to our 2024 Venue Sponsor:
Thank You to our 2024 Presenting Sponsors:
Thank You to our 2024 Major Sponsors:

CPS Application Dates for K-9th grade 2025-2026 School Year Announced

From https://www.cps.edu/gocps/

The GoCPS application for Chicago Public School (CPS) Kindergarten through 9th grade 2025-2026 programs will open on Sept 24, 2024 at 10am and close on Nov 15, 2024 (changed to Nov 22) at 5pm. Start your application at https://www.apply.cps.edu/  but know you do not have to complete your application right away, just don’t miss the deadline of 11/15/24 11/22/24! 

For parent training sessions to learn what to expect, sign up at the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1C9Noa4qo05uBxwkbS8L0UKHALemzpAoqkmWgf-yy4S4/viewform?edit_requested=true

Learn about CPS Selective Enrollment (Classical & Gifted) Elementary programs at our virtual webinar on 9/21/24 from 10am-12pm. RSVP Here.

Learn about Hidden Gem High Schools (public, private, boarding) along with informative IN PERSON seminars on admissions, testing and more on 9/29/24 from 1-4pm. RSVP Here.

Note, CPS preschool applications for 3 & 4 year olds open in the spring.

CPS HSAT Testing Dates for 2025-2026 Released

Students interested in CPS 9th grade programs beyond their neighborhood high school’s general ed program will need to take CPS’ High School Admissions Test (HSAT) during the fall of their 8th grade year. The HSAT exam dates for 2025-2026 high school programs are as follows:

CPS and charter students will take the HSAT at their school on Wednesday, October 9, 2024. CPS students will automatically be given the test and no registration is needed.

Non-CPS students can choose among the weekend dates of October 19, 20, 26 or 27, 2024 to take the exam at a CPS site. Non-CPS students will need to register to take the HSAT via the GoCPS portal. Registration dates have not been released.

While CPS has yet to provide details on the exam and process for 2025-2026, last year’s exam guide can be found HERE.

Fall 2024 Chicago Early Learning PK Applications open 4/9/24

All SY 24-25 CPS preschool seats are a part of the Chicago Early Learning application process.

  • APRIL 9, 2024 – Application Period Opens
  • APRIL 30, 2024 – Application Period Closes
  • MAY 21, 2024 –  Initial Offers Released
  • May 22, 2024 – Live Selections Opens

From Chicago Early Learning: During this initial enrollment window, families will be able to submit early applications to help increase their chances of getting into competitive early education programs across the city. Completing the application will begin the enrollment process for their child’s early education enrollment for the 2024–2025 school year at all CPS Pre-K programs and city-funded Community-Based Preschool and Early Learning programs.

#universalPK #ChicagoEarlyLearning #preschool #CPS #PK3 #PK4 #Chicago #CPS

GoCPS K-9th grade Notification Dates for 2024-2025

CPS is releasing 9th grade (high school) selection results on Friday, February 23 at 5pm and K-8th grade (elementary) selection results on Friday, March 22 at 5pm for Fall 2024 entry. Families will have approximately 4 weeks to tour schools and decide to accept or decline their offer(s). Then approximately 2 weeks after the deadline to accept/decline an offer, the real-time, rolling waitlist process occurs for any programs with remaining, unfilled seats. Only selective enrollment high schools (SEHS) offer a holistic Principal’s Discretion process to retry for entry based on an essay, recommendations and supporting documentation.

CPS offers virtual “Selections Process Training” for parents to learn what to expect via this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScsQz2HW0XIrOs6rcqTxJSSCtEDmlReVhGvjw2ZFkHZpN1CEA/viewform

From https://www.cps.edu/gocps/

High School

  • SEPTEMBER 13th, 2023 – Application Period Opens
  • OCTOBER 24th – 25th – HSAT Re-test for CPS Students
  • OCTOBER 28th – 29th, NOVEMBER 5th– HSAT Exam for Non-CPS Students
  • NOVEMBER 9th, 2023 – Application Period Closes
  • DECEMBER 1st, 2023 – Re-rank Period Closes
  • FEBRUARY 23rd, 2024 – Results Released
  • FEBRUARY 28th, 2024 – SEHS Principal Discretion Process Opens
  • MARCH 15th, 2024 – Accept/Decline Deadline
  • MARCH 15th, 2024 – SEHS Principal Discretion Application Closes
  • APRIL 1st, 2024 – Rolling Waitlist Process Opens
  • APRIL 19th, 2024 – SEHS Principal Discretion Results Released
  • 2 BUSINESS DAYS AFTER OFFER ISSUED – Waitlist Accept/Decline Deadline

Elementary School

  • SEPTEMBER 13th, 2023 – Application Period Opens
  • NOVEMBER 9th, 2023 – Application Period Closes
  • DECEMBER 1st, 2024 – Re-rank Period Closes
  • MARCH 22nd, 2024 – Results Released
  • APRIL 19th, 2024 – Accept/Decline Deadline
  • MAY 1st, 2024 – Rolling Waitlist Process Opens
  • 2 BUSINESS DAYS AFTER OFFER ISSUED – Waitlist Accept/Decline Deadline

For anyone who missed applying to CPS schools during the Fall application cycle, you can do so during the rolling waitlist process which opens on 4/1/24 for high schools and 5/1/24 for elementary schools. Public preschools (for 3 and 4 year olds) have separate applications available on April 9 at https://www.cps.edu/ChicagoEarlyLearning

Changes to CPS School Choice?

The December 14, 2023 announcement by the Chicago Board of Education regarding Mayor Johnson’s plan to prioritize neighborhood schools and reduce reliance on selective enrollment and magnet programs has caused worry among parents wondering what it could mean to their family’s school options.

 We know that there are concerns around school choice, and we want to be clear: this resolution outlines the Board’s parameters and values as we draft the District’s goals and objectives for the next five years. This resolution is not a vote to close selective enrollment, magnet, or charter schools. This resolution is about ensuring high-quality pre-k–12 pathways in neighborhood schools, prioritizing our most under-resourced communities. To read the full resolution, visit the Board website. 

from CPS Update on 12/14/23

WBEZ attempted to tamp down parent speculation by emphasizing that CPS did not make any changes to the current process for families, and is outlining a goal but any change would need to be voted on by the school board, which will be changing in November 2024: WBEZ Article from 12/21/23

Bottom line: SEHS, SEES & Magnet schools aren’t necessarily going away but resources may shift away from them and more to neighborhood schools. Neighborhood schools house most of the IB (international baccalaureate) programs, many fine & performing arts programs, many dual language programs, etc. Increasing support for those specialty programs housed in neighborhood schools will benefit a greater number and broader range of students. Free Universal PK for all 4 year olds has also served to introduce more families to neighborhood schools throughout Chicago. Strengthening offerings at neighborhood schools can serve to release pressure on parents trying for the limited seats at selective enrollment and magnet programs.

CPS HSAT Testing Update for 2024-2025 Applications

From https://www.cps.edu/gocps/high-school/hs-admissions-test-23-24/

For Families with an 8th Grader in CPS

  • CPS is sending this communication to all 8th graders in the district today, October 18.
  • The HSAT re-test for CPS 8th graders taking the exam in English will take place on either Tuesday, October 24 or Wednesday, October 25. The student’s school will follow up directly with the exact testing date. The HSAT re-test for CPS 8th graders taking the exam in other languages will take place on Wednesday, November 1.
  • While CPS strongly encourages all 8th graders to re-test, 8th graders who would like to keep their scores from the original test on October 11th will be allowed to do so by filling out this form. Please follow the instructions from your school for how to submit this form.
  • For all additional questions, please consult the FAQs below.

For Families with an 8th Grader Not in CPS

  • CPS is sending a communication to all 8th graders who have signed up to take the HSAT. 
  • HSAT testing for this weekend (October 21 and 22) has been CANCELED.
  • Non-CPS 8th graders must re-submit their applications and re-register for the HSAT on Saturday October 28, Sunday October 29, or Sunday November 5. Please follow the instructions in this communication.
  • For all additional questions, please consult the FAQ below.

Thank you; CPS sincerely apologizes for any inconvenience that these vendor issues have caused students and their families.