IEP effect on selective enrollment admission

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    • #9390 Reply

      Hello, Does anybody know how having an IEP effects the selective enrollment admissions numbers? Thanks

    • #9393 Reply

      Students with IEPs are placed in a separate category, outside of the Tier system (some refer to it as Tier 5). SEHS typically admit the number of students with IEPs into the incoming freshman class in equal number to the number of graduating seniors with IEPs.  In other words, if a school is graduating 50 students with IEPs in 2019, they will admit 50 students with IEPs into the class of 2023.

      As far as the impact on admissions, this is an area where CPS seems to be tight-lipped. I have heard that IEP students are “given” an extra 50 points to their point total.  I have heard that principals look at scored below the Tier 1 cutoff for students with IEPs. I have heard the principals get a list of all the students with IEPs and their diagnosis and then hand pick students that would work best in the SEHS environment and scores are not really a factor at all. I feel like none of these is the complete and full story.

      I think that CPS keeps it under wraps because they fear that parents would be getting their kids IEPs without actually needing them – something the college admission scandal has underscored. I believe in the past, 504 plans used to have the same separate admission process but CPS eliminated that.

      I know I’d be interested in learning more about the process for IEP admissions as well.

    • #9394 Reply

      I have a freshman at Lane with an IEP.  I did a lot of digging around to figure out how the IEP would impact SEHS admissions — and agree that it is tough to get a clear answer.  I was told that IEP students are put in a separate category (the so-called Tier 5 referenced above), and that schools are “supposed” to accept a percentage of students with IEPs that approximates the total percentage of students with IEPs in all of CPS.  I was under the impression that students with IEPs were ranked/accepted solely based on score (just like any other student) — and not based on the content of their IEP or disability category.  I believe mine had a score of 877 last year  (or maybe it was an 871?) — but in any event, would have been accepted at Lane regardless.  In other words, not all IEP students have low scores.  I was also told that schools will not accept students with IEPs with scores so low that it is unlikely they will be successful — even if it means the school doesn’t hit the percentage they are aiming for.

      Finally, acceptance doesn’t mean much if the school can’t support your child and foster his/her success.  Definitely spend time researching which schools might best fit your student.  Not all high schools offer the same special education programs/supports.  Good luck!

      • #10199 Reply

        Did your child receive extra time on the selective enrollment exam due to his/her IEP?


    • #12782 Reply

      Having two grade school kids with IEP’s I am trying to find out more about what ,if any, benefit the IEP will have.  Anyone have any resources? The oldest is hoping to get into Lane Tech.

    • #12849 Reply

      Also curious if a 504/IEP includes an accommodation for extra testing time, if that applies to the HS exam.

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