From https://www.cps.edu/gocps/high-school/hs-admissions-test-23-24/
For Families with an 8th Grader in CPS
- CPS is sending this communication to all 8th graders in the district today, October 18.
[ ENGLISH | SPANISH | POLISH | URDU | SIMPLIFIED CHINESE | ARABIC ] - The HSAT re-test for CPS 8th graders taking the exam in English will take place on either Tuesday, October 24 or Wednesday, October 25. The student’s school will follow up directly with the exact testing date. The HSAT re-test for CPS 8th graders taking the exam in other languages will take place on Wednesday, November 1.
- While CPS strongly encourages all 8th graders to re-test, 8th graders who would like to keep their scores from the original test on October 11th will be allowed to do so by filling out this form. Please follow the instructions from your school for how to submit this form.
- For all additional questions, please consult the FAQs below.
For Families with an 8th Grader Not in CPS
- CPS is sending a communication to all 8th graders who have signed up to take the HSAT.
[ ENGLISH | SPANISH ] - HSAT testing for this weekend (October 21 and 22) has been CANCELED.
- Non-CPS 8th graders must re-submit their applications and re-register for the HSAT on Saturday October 28, Sunday October 29, or Sunday November 5. Please follow the instructions in this communication.
- For all additional questions, please consult the FAQ below.
Thank you; CPS sincerely apologizes for any inconvenience that these vendor issues have caused students and their families.