Address for application

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    • #10112 Reply

      My daughter is an 8th grader and has been in a private school but we are looking at CPS for high school.   It seems like everyone we know doing the selective enrollment process has an “address.”  They live in tier 3 or 4, but are using a grandparent, sibling, cousin, or secretary with a tier 1 or 2 address to do their CPS application.  I would think this is illegal, is it? Does CPS prosecute parents caught doing this?   I would be too afraid to do this and really resent that others are doing this with impunity to get their kid accepted to the top schools.  Does anyone know what CPS is doing to keep the process fair and insure that parents are using the child’s and custodial parents’ primary address on the application?

      With the “Varsity Blues” scandal I would think parents would not even dream of this, but let me assure you, there are parents who think this is perfectly fine and with such a difference in scores between tiers, this creates an incentive.

    • #10144 Reply

      Application fraud is a serious offense, and punishable by being banished from applying to any CPS program for any child in your family for life.

      What does “primary address” mean?

      When you fill out your child’s application — whether online or paper — you must indicate your child’s “primary address.” The primary address is defined as your child’s regular, fixed nighttime residence. Note that you must use the address that is your primary address at the time that you apply. You cannot apply using an address where you plan to live in the future.

    • #10146 Reply

      Of course it is fraud. But for most of the parents involved, getting kicked out of CPS is not the end of the world, they will just send their kids to private school.    I am fairly confident that perp walking one CPS parent would clean up this program in a second.

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