Address in Norridge shows as tier 4. Why?

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    • #10189 Reply

      We live in Norridge. Our lease expires on Dec 1st & we currently look for a new apartment in Chicago so our son will have a chance to try to get into a selective high school. When we check the tier map , our current address in Norridge show as tier 4. Only 2-3 streets in Norridge show that they are included in Chicago tier map. Does anyone know why? Does it mean that we wouldn’t have to look for a new place in Chicago & just extend our lease and he can test and apply from Norridge address? Please advice.

    • #10191 Reply

      Per CPS, you can apply with your Norridge address.

      Students do not have to live in the city of Chicago in order to apply and participate in the selection process for the Selective Enrollment schools and programs, magnet schools and programs, and open enrollment schools.

      However, students DO have to live in the city of Chicago in order to enroll in and attend these schools, as well as any other Chicago public school. Proof of residency is required by July 1st of the year that the student will enroll.

      There are streets in the vicinity of Norridge that are actually city of Chicago, if you look carefully how the city limits are marked, there are a couple of ‘islands’ surrounded by Chicago city.

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