Can Students in Magnet Schools apply to other schools

Home Forums Chicago Public Schools (CPS) CPS Elementary Schools Magnet & Open Enrollment (Choice) Elementary Schools Can Students in Magnet Schools apply to other schools

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    • #10169 Reply
      Katie N

      Hi, My 5th grader is in a magnet school but we’re interested in applying to a Magnet Cluster school closer to our home. It seems like a long shot. Can I apply to the Magnet Cluster without losing her spot at her current school? Do I need to apply to the Magnet school she already attends? Thank you!

    • #10171 Reply

      You have your current seat – no need to re-apply – until you register at another school.

    • #10172 Reply

      Yes, you can apply without losing her spot at her current school. No need to apply to the school she already attends. If she doesn’t get into the closer school, she keeps her seat at her current school.

    • #10184 Reply

      In addition, your current school will not know you applied unless you got a spot and accepted.

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