Child test score eligible for Skinner North, but CPS will not issue new offers

Home Forums Chicago Public Schools (CPS) CPS Elementary Schools Selective Enrollment Elementary Schools (SEES) Child test score eligible for Skinner North, but CPS will not issue new offers

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    • #11610 Reply

      My child is test scores eligible for Skinner North (94 math / 92 reading, 4th grade, Tier 1). The school has multiple seats still available in her grade, but CPS will not make any new offers claiming the last round has been done. In their video materials they say that the process will continue until seats are filled. Any suggestions how to appeal the decision? Would hiring education lawyer help?

    • #11611 Reply
      CPS Parent

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>How do you know there are still seats available at SN?  I heard the school no longer increases class size for 4th grade and above as a result of last year’s CPS teacher strike. Unless there are students leaving, there are no spot open in the class.</p>

    • #11612 Reply

      A number of students have left

    • #11613 Reply

      OP, you are not saying which grade your child is in, but everything other than K – tiers do not matter. The scores that you mention while decent on their own are still too low to get into SN. There are a lot of kids with 99/99 on the wait list to SN for grades 1 and above.



    • #11614 Reply

      I do say that my daughter applied to 4th grade.

      I am very well familiar that her this year’s scores are not extremely high, but she still qualifies. Last year she had 99/99 and did not get in because of no space available. This year there are seats, but CPS will not make any additional offers.

    • #11615 Reply

      Yes, SN seems to be reducing class sizes because of the strike.  Its number of students now stands at 14 less than last year’s.

    • #11616 Reply
      CPS Parent

      We just got an offer yesterday from SN 4th grade, with scores 99/99. I bet there is student leaving.

    • #11617 Reply

      OP, sorry I did not see you did write 4th grade. The last poster just answered your question: currently offers are made to 99/99 scores for any available seats.


    • #11621 Reply
      RGC interest

      @Irish Flame – can we connect on email or cell? I am having the same issue and I’m told OAE did not do as many rounds this year. My kid is in a RGC with openings that will likely go un-filled and it’s ridiculous considering there are other eligible students.

    • #11622 Reply
      RGC interest

      Also interested in an appeal process

    • #11623 Reply

      574485sixfourfiveeight, today after 5

    • #11624 Reply

      Three SEESs haven’t added grades or classes since 2019.  SN’s students have decreased from 523 to 511, Edison 264 > 250, Keller 225 > 218.  It’s obvious what’s happening after the strike a year ago.  “Open” seats are being eliminated to bring class sizes down to the agreed numbers.

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