CPS High School applicants can activate Go.CPS.edu accounts now

Home Forums CPS High Schools CPS High School applicants can activate Go.CPS.edu accounts now

  • This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 3 months, 1 week ago by chicagoschooloptions.
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    • #9083 Reply

      Families with 8th graders can go online now to activate an account in anticipation of applying to high schools for 2019-2020.  Applications will open in October and close in December, but research can be done now.

      From https://go.cps.edu/apply/activate

      Apply CPS


      By opening an account and activating your student, you will be able to create a profile for your family and view the programs to which your students are eligible to apply. You will use one account for all the children in your family, so if you are applying for multiple children or different grade levels, you can manage it from one central location.


      Opening an account and activating your student will allow you to:

      • Create a username and password
      • Create your primary parent/guardian profile
      • Create profiles for each high school applicant in your family
      • Add additional students to your account
      • Link student data records for current CPS students to the profile
      • View the programs to which your student(s) are eligible to apply
      • “Favorite” top programs where you may want to apply

      Also check out the Activation Guide: https://cps.edu/sitecollectiondocuments/gocps/GoCPS-HS-Activation-Guide-English.pdf

    • #9116 Reply

      I know that the application process starts October 1st, but it is not clear at what time. Does anybody know?


    • #10082 Reply
      Yomary Morales

      Please email me once the website is up and running I really do not trust my child school staff to enter the information in my behave.



    • #10083 Reply
      CPS Mom1908

      Application process is scheduled to be live on Monday, September 30th.

    • #10086 Reply

      Applications are live

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