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    • #1713 Reply

      Soooooo we did not even get in our private school option… let alone find out if we would get a scholarship. How do they decide on who to let in? Should I have hired an editor for my statement of interest?!?!?! I’m not used to regection ha ha ha

    • #1889 Reply

      My daughter got wait listed at all 3 private schools that she applied to. She is devastated. She did extremely well on the ISEE so we can only believe that we also bombed the essays. I’m also curious if anyone has any insight on this process – and if the waitlists actually move. My heart aches for her.

    • #2651 Reply

      If you have been waitlisted to a private school, feel free to let them know you are still extremely interested in them. Just a quick note or email to say that should you get an offer, you would enroll your child, etc. It doesn’t need to be long, it just needs to convey the fact that you are still eager to be considered should room open up. Private schools do not reveal where you are on their waitlist, as most don’t number their waitlists the way CPS schools do. Nor do they typically let families know how they base their decisions, as it is more holistic than just a numbers game.

      If you are waitlisted for a private school, send a note about your continued interest and then it becomes a waiting game as CPS notifications come out later and families do indeed drop private school offers even after sending in deposits because in some cases, free tuition is hard to beat. Private schools want their class sizes filled so waitlists can definitely move, but sometimes not until mid to late summer.

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