Lincoln Park HS

  • This topic has 13 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 5 years ago by Christy Bauhs.
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    • #10541 Reply

      Looking for some advice LPHS.  Seems quite chaotic over there.  Do they have a principal yet?  If you’re a parent of a student there, would you recommend the school or would you recommend another school?

    • #10568 Reply
      beth rosenberg

      I am a LP parent of a freshman student.  Without a doubt I firmly stand behind LP. Any parents with questions/concerns/seeking information should reach out to the LPHS 2020-2021 incoming freshman class private facebook page.  We are available to answer questions and offer an honest, candid conversation.

    • #10569 Reply
      Erica Izraeli

      Hi David,

      We do not have a principal, but we have the best community of students, teachers and parents. Our LSC is working around the clock. We have some of the top programs in the city and we are the most diverse school in the city. CPS overreacted and basically attempted (with no evidence) to destroy our school because they are under federal mandate for a decade of failure.  I can tell you my son has been through too much those several weeks at LP- it was brutal for our community and our image.  I asked him if he wanted to try to transfer to the school that he always had his heart set on (Lane) and he said NO- he is happy at LP and knows it’s an amazing school.  In times like these, all we want are happy kids and my son is happy at LPHS.

    • #10571 Reply
      Sara Shacter

      My son is a sophomore and we LOVE LPHS. This year was sort of crazy, with the strike, CPS mismanagement, and now the virus. However, there is no other school that would be better for my kid. He is in HH and drama and is happier and more confident than he’s been in his life. CPS messed with our administration, but we still have great kids, teachers, and programs. The administration will get sorted out. I think the way that our students rose up and spoke out, as well as the passionate dedication of parents, speaks volumes about our community.

    • #10573 Reply

      LP is a shit show, stay away. Factions of parents fighting versus other factions, talking bad about each other, trying to get you on their side.

      Parents gossip and speculate about the various victims. Kids have moved on, parents are entrenched in the war against the CPS admins downtown. Many parents are super entitled and have never had anyone said “no” to them. Save yourself and your child a lot of grief and stay away. In a few years I hope the school will be back on the right path. Right now the teachers are afraid and the students are rudderless with no local admin team.

    • #10577 Reply
      Sara Shacter

      Oh, and I should have said that if anyone wants to talk in real time about LPHS and ask specific questions, feel free to email me at [email protected]. I know it’s weird to make decisions in a void, when you can’t visit schools, do shadow visits, etc.

    • #10578 Reply
      Suzanne Wychocki

      We have had a great experience at LP.  The loss of our principals in January did create a bit of unease, but it has actually brought the community together in many ways.  The teachers are EXCELLENT.  The counseling staff is AMAZING and the support teams are CARING.  We transferred in at the beginning of my daughter’s junior year. She made great friends and loved all of her classes. (Maybe not Physics, but she’s a drama major;).  The one thing that I really like about the school is that all of the kids actually seem like they want to be there. They show up every day and engage with each other, the teachers and coaches.

    • #10579 Reply
      Mary Shaughnessy

      Hi David,  My son is a Junior at LPHS in the HH program and is excelling beyond what we could have hoped for. He has a 504 plan, so we were concerned about his high school experience. With the help of attentive teachers and support staff he is earning a 3.75 and is currently taking two AP courses. He has made terrific friends from all walks of life and is eager to find a similar experience in college. Diversity is one of his top priorities when selecting a school.

      When we were middle school parents in the tier system, we hoped he would earn a spot at a selective enrollment school. Unfortunately, he didn’t make the cut. Since then, we have come to realize that LPHS is the perfect environment for his learning differences and personality.

      By next school year, we will have excellent administrators in place who will continue to lead the school to even greater success. In the meantime,   LPHS parents will continue to ask questions of CPS to ensure no other school in the district is affected by its mismanagement and bureaucracy.

    • #10580 Reply
      Debra Sitar

      We love LP! My son graduated last year from the IB diploma program and my daughter is a current freshman in HH. The teachers and staff are great and despite it being a tough year with administration turmoil, we have no regrets about choosing LP over other schools and programs.
      I recall my son on his first week of school coming home and saying – LP just feels different, the teachers actually want you to succeed!

    • #10581 Reply
      Gena & John Moser

      Hi – Our family is having a great experience at LP. We left Chicago for seven years, and moved back our daughter’s sophomore and junior year. When looking for a home, the primary criteria was to be in LPHS district. We figured if it wasn’t a fit for our daughter’s then we could find an alternative. We never had to find an alternative. Our daughter’s thrived at LP academically, athletically, and socially. Our oldest graduated last year, class of 2019, and is attending her first choice university, she is home little earlier than expected. Our youngest is graduating this spring and will be attending her top choice college and playing soccer. As parents, we feel our choice in LP has helped create smart, productive, open minded, and kind individuals who are prepared to thrive in the world. LP is an amazing  community, and as parents we even made some good friends too. Go LP!

    • #10584 Reply
      Dr Bruce C Neimeyer

      Hi David, our twins attend LPHS IB program and actually chose to attend versus their selective enrollment school. We did so not only because of the IB curriculum but because of the amazing teachers at the high school. The other schools also had good teachers but here it was more consistent in our eyes and we have not been wrong about that observation. Even through the strike and the current virus lock down the teachers have been there for our kids. They have grown intellectually in so many ways and will be well prepared for their college life. Although there have been issues with the removal of our administration in January it hasn’t changed the relationship between our kids and their teachers. I’d add that we chose LPHS despite the administration at the time and the recent group was just an added bonus. We knew that what matter the most for our kids was what was happening in the classroom and not the front office. It can help but it had no impact on their learning situation. I would also disagree with the author who stated that there is infighting amount the parents. There are definitely some who are more vocal and involved but those that are not are not admonished in any way. My kids both confronted these recent events in different ways and neither feel ostracized because of their stances which goes to show the openness of the community. So that is just my two cents on LPHS and hope you will find that perspective helpful.

    • #10586 Reply
      Eurydice Chrones

      Another LPHS parent here. My son is a freshman, so ALL he has seen is turmoil – from the strike to the coyote lockdown to the dismissal of the only principal he knew to this virus. At every point (the strike, the lockdown, the dismissal) I have asked him if he would like us to pull him out of LPHS. His answer, “If you do that, I’ll never talk to you again. I love LP.”
      Parents will do what parents will do. But kids LOVE their LP experience. And note that, like one person noted above, for many parents, this experience has only made us stronger as a community. I have many friends at LP (we entered as neighborhood parents, not through selective enrollment) and we do NOT all agree on actions that some parents (like me) may be taking to fight CPS. It has NOT affected our friendships in the least. We talk with each other more, because we have opposing points of view and I want to hear them. To anyone worried about LP, I will say that there can never be another year like this one. We’re going to be stronger than ever … and we’re already pretty damn strong. It’s a close-knit school with phenomenal teachers and incredible programs. Although concern is obviously understandable, your child will be happy and will thrive here.

    • #10587 Reply
      Judy Wahl

      Hello! My son is a sophomore. He loves LP.  He is in IB, Drama, plays soccer and baseball, and is on the debate team.  He loves the support from his teachers and has a had an awesome experience at LP thus far. He wanted a place where he would be able to participate in all the activities he loves and try new experiences too.  He thrives at the school everyday.  He has made good friends.

      And I have made good friends too. I find the community to be very nice.  Yes there are parents, like me, that find the injustice in what happened to the admins and some staff and are fighting for the proof. But everyone has a right to stand up for what they believe. If a parent disagrees that is fine by me.

      The school will come out stronger than before for sure.  The LSC is doing a good job figuring out next steps for a principal.

      The teachers are amazing and the kids are great.  It is a very diverse school with lots of opportunities.  So if that is what you are looking for LP is your school!

    • #10588 Reply
      Christy Bauhs

      I am parent of a senior and sophomore. I have one thing to say to LPMom26: The shitshow you speak of was all CPS. I can’t even get into all the crap going on, but please do some reading, including articles and interviews about the lawsuit Mr. Thuet and Ms. Brumfield have filed… you will see why the LSC and parents have organized and are fighting back. If you have any questions about it, please speak to someone on the LSC or Parent Action Group. My point is, the chaos was not LP’s fault. Also, look around… there is drama at almost every CPS high school, SE included!

      David: We have amazing teachers and counselors who really care about the kids. The rigorous academics, arts, clubs, sports, diversity etc are everything you could want for your city kid. Both of mine are doing great, my son will be going to his first choice college next year (hopefully college will be open in the fall!). As stated above, what is most important as a parent is what is happening in the classrooms, not the front office. Do not let the temporary chaos change your mind about LP. If anything, the school will be even stronger next year! I could go on and on, but the other comments pretty much cover everything 😉

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