Need advice for preparation of classical test

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    • #11558 Reply


      My kids are currently enrolled in Gifted School. (1st grade)

      But I would like to transfer him to classical option school like Decatur or Skinner.

      I used testing mom for gifted test and classical one.

      His classical score was M99 R96 which was not good enough for getting an offer since he was rising 1st grade.


      This year, I would like to help him for a better score like 99/99.

      Any suggestions or recommendations for preparation for classical test would be highly appreciated.


    • #11564 Reply

      99M/96R and that is  not good enough for a classical program?? That is  Insane but I know the its crazy been there done that!! Just have him continue to read more and I go with the three book approach one easy book so that he can be expressive and have fun. Second book at his level and check for fluency and if they can tell you what is happening in the story making inferences. The third book is above their reading level and they will read it slowly and have to learn new vocabulary and will make him think in more detail to explain the story. I dont think you have to do alot with your child they are already rocking!! Now it will be up to you to keep your cool and dont stress again been there and done it the wrong way and the less wrong way.

    • #11566 Reply

      Thank you so much for your advice.
      <p style=”text-align: left;”>From your advice,  I learn that I need to help him to do more like story sequencing and vocabulary stuff.</p>
      I’m wondering if you used any specific workbooks or materials from online learning site.



    • #11567 Reply

      nothing that comes to mind look at the lexile scores and pick three books below, current, and above. Enriched vocabulary always helps!! and word problems for math really is all about comprehension skills.

    • #11568 Reply

      Thank you so mcuh!!

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