Out of Boundary- can principal really decide?

Home Forums Chicago Public Schools (CPS) CPS Elementary Schools Out of Boundary- can principal really decide?

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    • #11639 Reply

      I have heard a principal tell parents on numerous occasions that once a child is enrolled at their school, they are allowed to stay, even if they move out of the attendance boundary (as long as they stay in the city of Chicago)… This is for a neighborhood school that is also classified as a magnet cluster…. Is a principal allowed to do this? Or are those parents running the risk of CPS swooping in and kicking kids out?

    • #11654 Reply

      If the family attended by virtue of it being their automatic neighborhood school and they moved out at a grade that was not too crowded, then sometimes a principal can allow students to stay. This most often happens around 7th grade, especially if the student has been there for many years because 7th grade sometimes thins out with Academic Centers being an option for advanced middle schoolers.

      It is rare and it is on a case by case basis, so it will be hard to predict years in advance if the school continues to be crowded in all grades.

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