Really great magnet vs RGC

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    • #7885 Reply

      We have accepted an offer to a really great magnet school but have now on the table a great RGC. The
      What one school lacks the other has! What are your thoughts on a magnet program vs RGC?

      Offered: Beasley (turned down)
      Offered: Sheridan (accepted)
      Offered: NTA RGC (have three days to decide!)

    • #7901 Reply

      This is a tough situation to be in. In terms of academics I’d say NTA RGC is the way to go (though Sheridan is excellent in academics as well). If you’re looking for a before/after school program, NTA would also be the way to go. They have a before school program that starts at 7a, and an after school program that goes until either 5p or 6p (depending on your preference). Sheridan has after school programs, but I believe they end around 3:30p.

      Sheridan would get my vote if I had younger children, or an older child that would graduate from a K-6 classical school soon as an additional option beyond academic centers. I say this because these children could apply to Sheridan based on sibling preference (especially for the younger children). Also with NTA, the incoming kindergarten class will only be at the NTA building on Cermak for 2018-2019. The following year (and through graduation), they’d be at the new South Loop building since the current NTA will be become a high school. For most this isn’t a big deal because the new South Loop building is maybe 5 minutes away, but the current NTA building is more convenient for users of the Green Line, Red Line, or Metra Electric trains.

      Anyway, good luck on your decision. I hope this helps!

    • #8335 Reply

      Any feedback for Beasley? How is gifted program at Beasley? Any help Help is appreciated.

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