Rolling Waitlist SEES (Gifted Center and Classical) Spring 2023

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    • #16588 Reply

      The other Topic is very slow because of the number of posts to load. I thought it would be good to start fresh with the Rolling Waitlist for the Selective Enrollment Elementary Schools, both for Regional Gifted Centers and Classical.

    • #16591 Reply

      If the gifted center shows Not Offered now after showing waitlist  can it revert back to waitlist over time?

    • #16592 Reply

      Our waitlisted schools still shows a waitlist.  Does anyone know what time they close the lists for the night?

      • #16598 Reply

        I found out that if you get an offer it kicks you off the other waitlists. You have to decline the offer and then manually re add the waitlist schools. But there is a lag between all of it so you won’t see the offer for a while.

    • #16594 Reply

      Has Rolling Waitlist been opened? I see I can click on “Rolling Waitlist”, but I cannot add my son to any of the Selective enrollment or Classical schools. We have been given an offer to one RGC, but declined it and now wanted to get on waitlist for other schools, but it does not work for me. Does anyone have the same issue?

    • #16597 Reply


      my daughter is applying to 1st grade, got 147 on gifted test. She is waitlisted in Edison. Should I put her on a waitlist at other gifted schools for round 2? We are on North Side, only considering schools here. Thank you!

      Anxious mom 😃

      • #16601 Reply

        I would also consider Bell if I were you, great school and they’ll have at least one opening for 1st grade. With 147 in 1st grade your daughter has really good chances of getting in.

        • #16629 Reply
          Edison 22/23 K parent

          There will be at least two spots for incoming first graders at Edison in the Fall

      • #16609 Reply

        I would reach out to the principal at Edison. She will know if there are any available spots for 1st grade. Beaubien is another option, with 147 you will get an offer.

    • #16604 Reply
      McKinley Mom

      <p style=”text-align: center;”>Does anyone know when schools will start contacting parents from the rolling waitlist if there’s any openings?</p>

    • #16605 Reply

      I called Decatur today and they told me my child is tenth on the list as of today and there are five spots…

    • #16607 Reply

      Momofkids-if you wouldn’t mind sharing what grade this was for, that would be great!

    • #16611 Reply

      This is for K. My child got 93 reading and 98 math tier 4. My other child is in first grade at Decatur; I haven’t heard about anyone leaving from the first grade class this year fyi but first does have two classes of 28.

    • #16613 Reply

      Just to keep updated, we also ranked SN, McPherson, Bell, Pritzker and Edison. 133 for gifted so thinking McPherson, maybe Pritzker, maybe SN, though we may end up saying no to those if we get them offered because we don’t want our kindergartener on the bus alone.

      • #16615 Reply

        Thanks for your response…what a wild process this is. My kiddo is also going into 1st and we are on the waitlist for Decatur. I would love to hear what your experience has been so far, esp have a first grader…We didn’t tour and it sounds like they aren’t holding any more so we are trying to do as much recon as we can in the event my kiddo is extended an offer.

        • #16616 Reply

          My kid loves Decatur. The administration has been very responsive to any concerns I have. The first grade teacher for my kid is new at the school but he is amazing and such a kind and thoughtful person. I feel that my child is safe and learning a lot.

      • #16617 Reply

        This is so great to hear-thanks for sharing. If my kiddo is extended an offer, I may try to find a way to try and talk further if you are open to it. Current families experiences are so helpful in this whole process. Good luck with your incoming kinder process!

    • #16614 Reply

      Good Morning,

      We tested late (4/30) but no scores. Anyone know when I can expect scores?

    • #16619 Reply

      We don’t have the test we took late either. We added the classical test after being waitlisted again for the RGCs.  Non entry years are hard. Sigh.

    • #16621 Reply
      Ogden Mom

      Tested late as well. K and 1st Grade. No scores yet.

    • #16626 Reply

      Anyone knows of waitlist movement at Bronzeville classical or acceptance scores at NTA Gifted?

    • #16630 Reply

      We accepted an offer yesterday from Decatur for kindergarten.  We originally ranked it 3rd but withdrew from consideration from all other schools so it was the only school on our list.  We got a phone call from CPS with a recorded message saying that our go.cps status changed.  We also got an email.

      Tier 4, Reading 98 – Math 96

      • #16651 Reply

        Congratulations on the offer! How did you learn about your ranking in the waitlist? Did you call CPS or the school to ask?

        • #16652 Reply

          They mean that they ranked Decatur 3rd out of up to 6 options in the RGC/Classical category on the initial Fall application.

    • #16635 Reply

      Trying to get an idea (like everyone probably) when SEES will most likely make waitlist offers to above K. Does it seem like some schools do it right away and others are likely to wait (Decatur, Skinners, etc?)  Tried to look back in the messaging history and if there was some info to gather there, it wasn’t clear to me…

    • #16636 Reply

      The waitlist for upper grades can be kind of unpredictable, especially when you get kids already in an SEES transferring to another. My son is at Bronzeville right now and we’re trying to transfer him to another school (closer to our house) for 4th grade, currently waitlisted everywhere. So if we get a slot somewhere else, a spot at Bronzeville for 4th grade will open up. I imagine it’s similar at other schools.

    • #16639 Reply

      Thanks BCSMom. This is helpful info and I imagine this thread will also be a good way to gauge as the months go on. Good luck to your kiddo.

      • #16671 Reply

        We got an offer at Pritzker for 4th grade, will be accepting. So a spot at BCS will be opening up for those on the waitlist there.

        • #16672 Reply

          Congratulations and thanks for the update.

    • #16643 Reply

      Thanks for creating this new thread.  Since the rolling waitlist started on the 22nd, and people are given 2 days to respond, are we in round 3 now?  If there is updates today, that means we have to wait for round 4 result to see if anything opens up?

      I am not sure if I understood it correctly. Could someone help?

      • #16653 Reply

        There aren’t any rounds anymore. It’s all just rolling. Offers are made whenever schools decide to make them.

        • #16673 Reply

          Thank you!  I didn’t know this before.

          Just got an offer today.  I feel we are in the 5th rounds, since the waitlist started on the 22nd.  Our first option changed to no offered.  My guess is that all their seats are filled.  I kind of like this rolling waitlist process.  Things are moving a lot faster than before.

          • #16675 Reply

            Congrats on the offer! May we ask which school and grade the offer is for? I believe once you are given an offer, all the other programs on your waitlist gets converted to no offered.

    • #16657 Reply

      We just got offered from Morton. Was nowhere on our original list so we’re trying to find more info on it. In the meantime are there chances of being offered from other Classical/RGC on our list or we should decline Morton to be on other lists?

      • #16659 Reply

        You would have to decline Morton to be considered for another RGC. But it will automatically decline in 48 hours after your offer window opens.

    • #16662 Reply

      Got offered 3rd grade Decatur yesterday with scores 99/98. Declined.


      • #16663 Reply

        Thanks for posting this ES! It’s helpful to know that waitlists are moving for non-entry years. Our kiddo has a 99/99 and we are waiting to see whether an offer is extended from SN, SW or Decatur….

      • #16716 Reply
        Chicago Born

        Thanks for update @ES

        Is there a specific school you’re waiting on for 3rd grade? Noticed you declined both Decatur and Keller

    • #16682 Reply

      Tier 4 Kindergarten applicant here. Contacted Decatur and SN and found out we moved up 3 spots on the waitlist for each since the rolling waitlists opened. SN Kindergarten class is full as of right now. Just posting for whoever it might help!

    • #16686 Reply

      Tier 4 K. 98/93, 133. Offered McPherson this AM, will likely accept. 10th at SN which as mentioned above is full. As of yesterday, 7th at Decatur which has 3-4 spots. Probably will accept McPherson as it feels like too much of a gamble to hold out for Decatur. Edison is also full and I never could get a hold of the gifted coordinator at Pritzker so have no intel on that front.

    • #16687 Reply

      I’m seeing a few posts about programs being full. Just pointing out that there may still be a lot of movement in those programs, so don’t give up hope just yet. We, for example, had accepted an RGC offer earlier but got a magnet offer this morning that we like better. That’ll open up a spot in a RGC program that was identified as full.  I imagine a lot of that may happen as the waitlists roll more, especially in July when neighborhood schools open up extra spots.

      • #16692 Reply

        This is true and one of the clerks told me that anyone who was accepted with a non-Chicago address must show proof of Chicago address by July 1 or they are removed. She noted this happens fairly regularly (though of course you never know for sure).

    • #16689 Reply

      In case anyone finds it helpful re: waitlist numbers for upper grades.  We got an offer (accepted) at Pritzker and my son was 24th on the waitlist for Bell for 4th grade entry with a score of 132.


      • #16736 Reply

        We have quite a few friends with rising 4th graders at Pritzker. It is a strong cohort with very engaged families.

    • #16690 Reply

      Hello! For those of you who are finding out your waitlist numbers for SEES, may I ask who is providing you the number? Is it OAE, the principal/AP, clerk? I would love this info but have not been able to get it and it would be helpful to manage my expectations. Thanks!

      • #16693 Reply

        I talked to the AP at Bell!  If you call the front desk the receptionist will be able to transfer you to the person who has the waitlist information.

    • #16691 Reply

      I call the school and talk to the main office and just ask if someone can tell me my kids rank. Some schools have a gifted coordinator you need to talk to but at most others it seems to be someone in an administrative capacity in the main office.

    • #16694 Reply

      This is helpful info-thanks so much! I really appreciate tracking how everyone else is navigating these SEES waitlists….there are so many layers.

    • #16695 Reply

      My son is Tier 4, entering 1 grade; 99 math/90 english; 135 RGC.

      My son got initial decision offer to Beaubien RGC, but we declined because we live close to downtown. We enrolled into rolling waitlist for SN, SW and other RGCs, but now it shows “not offered” for all programs except McPherson RGC (shows “waitlist”); does this mean that all 1 grade programs in RGCs and classical schools are full and no more rolling waitlist exists for those programs 1 grades (except for McPherson)?

      • #16697 Reply

        This means you’ll have a McPherson offer at 8am tomorrow.

    • #16696 Reply
      Pritzker offer

      In case the info helps anyone make decisions: Tier 4, RGC 133, got a Pritzker offer off the waitlist.

      • #16698 Reply

        Congratulations on the offer! Which grade your kid is getting in?

    • #16703 Reply

      Wow, you were correct. We got an offer from McPherson this morning (RGC 135, tier 4) entering first grade.

    • #16704 Reply

      If we decline a RW offer, are we still able to get on waitlists for other schools?

    • #16706 Reply

      My child got offer from Mcpherson but seems its relatively new. As he goes in Disney magnet which ranks better on websites. Any thoughts?

    • #16707 Reply

      If you are choosing between regular CPS school (even magnet one) and RGC and you think your child will handle curriculum 2 years ahead, I would definitely go to McPherson. When I called them, I talked about the curriculum, asked several questions, and they were super organized and addressed all my questions well. The distance is our issue, otherwise, we would have accepted…

    • #16708 Reply

      Sounds like there was a lot of movement this week in waitlists. We got a Pritzker offer for K today too.

      • #16735 Reply

        My son will be incoming Pritzker K! My daughter is rising 2nd. We’ve been happy. Let me know if you want to connect this summer.

        • #16788 Reply

          Us too!

          We’d be down for a play date or something to have a few friendly faces on the first day!!

          • #16789 Reply

            For what it’s worth, we live in pretty close walking distance. Wicker Park (the actual park) is lovely this time of year.

    • #16709 Reply

      I declined McPherson today for K.

      • #16711 Reply

        Did you get another offer?

        • #16713 Reply

          No, we just decided we will do private school if he doesn’t get into his sister’s school (Decatur).

    • #16712 Reply

      has anyone gotten off the waitlists for a rgc for 3rd or 4th grade yet (not McPherson)? And if so, would you mind sharing your kid’s score? My kid’s score is 134 and I’m just curious where those lists are at right now.

      • #16714 Reply

        Yes, offered Keller for 3rd off RW a couple weeks ago. Score 137. We declined


        • #16721 Reply
          Chicago Born

          Thanks for update @ES

          Is there a specific school you’re waiting on for 3rd grade? Noticed you declined both Decatur and Keller

      • #16715 Reply

        We got an offer (accepted) last week at Pritzker and my son was 24th on the waitlist for Bell for 4th grade entry with a score of 132.

        • #16718 Reply

          Iiiinteresting. So it seems like a 134 would eventually be possible for a rising third grader at some of these schools (our top is NTA but we’re also on lists for Pritzker, Keller, and Lenart)

    • #16719 Reply

      Interesting. So they tell you the waitlist number in those schools, including for Bell and Edison?

      • #16720 Reply

        I am curious about this too. I called Bell yesterday and they said they did not have the ranking information.

        • #16722 Reply

          Re: Bell – I spoke to the AP there, the clerk/receptionist didn’t have that information. I don’t know if they usually give out ranking info, but I wasn’t just asking out of curiosity, I was trying to decide if we should accept the offer we had at Pritzker or give it up to stay on Bell’s waiting list.

    • #16730 Reply

      I declined the offer for McPherson for 1st grade. His score was

      math -99%


      RGC- 136

      I didn’t get any offer from my first 5 priorities. As they offered me McPherson now everything shows as not offered. Means I am kicked out of waitlist? I need to join again, which is impossible to get in.

      • #16732 Reply

        You would need to decline McPherson first. Receiving offer from McPherson automatically removes you from the other waitlists. Are you saying you won’t be able to rejoin the other waitlist like SN and SW?

    • #16731 Reply

      We also declined McPherson with the same score. Wow, 99/99 and you have no Classical offers for 1 grade?

      • #16733 Reply

        Are you able to rejoin the waitlist for other schools?

    • #16738 Reply

      FYI – We got offer from SN off the waitlist.

      • #16739 Reply

        Congrats! Which grade?


    • #16740 Reply

      Thanks! Grade 4.

    • #16741 Reply

      We got a McPherson offer of the RW. 138/99 reading/96 math
      debating because our neighborhood school is pretty good. Why is everyone turning down McPherson offers? Is there some buzz about the school we don’t know about? We had Bell, SN, SW also on our list because we live on the north side.

    • #16743 Reply

      Scores from second round spring testing just posted.  My child scored 95 Reading and 99 Math.  We are applying to decatur for 5th grade.  anyone know about scores that have made it off the waitlist?

    • #16745 Reply
      1st grade gifted

      I called both Edison and Bell today, we’re #4 of both waitlists for 1st grade. Clearly, we got kicked out because of spring test results 😞 (she was #2 a month ago when I called Edison and I saw someone got an offer and accepted, so she would have been #1 last week).

      I do not think we have a good chance at either school. My daughter’s score is 147. Does anyone have any experience with McPherson?

      Thank you!

      • #16749 Reply

        Just a thought, have you asked the CPS OAE office what your waitlist position is too? I figure the rolling waitlists officially go through OAE, so I wonder if they will tell you the same thing as the school.

        • #16751 Reply
          1st grade gifted

          Thank you – will try them again! I called them on 05/19 and they said they do not give out waitlist numbers.

        • #16753 Reply
          1st grade gifted

          Completely useless office!! They don’t provide waitlist numbers. The only way to find out is to call school directly.

          • #16758 Reply

            I’ve had good communication with the OAE office by email. Not so much by phone.

    • #16746 Reply

      How do tiers work in rolling waitlists?

      For example, let’s say there’s one person from tier 1 and another from tier 4, both with an RGC score of 135. Who would get the offer in this case?

      Can you reject an offer from your second choice and join the waitlist for your first choice? Additionally, is it possible to be on the waitlist again for your second choice?

      • #16747 Reply

        Re: your first question, it depends. If a school has 28 seats to fill, they should give 8 seats to rank and 5 each to tiers 1, 2, 3, and 4. Let’s pretend 22 seats were accepted, and 6 were declined: 2 rank, 1 tier 1, 1 tier 3, and 1 tier 4. The declined rank seats will be redistributed among the tiers, beginning at tier 1 and going up. So the school has these seats to fill: 3 tier 1, 1 tier 2, 1 tier 3, 1 tier 4.

        The next thing to consider is that if you’ve got 2 applicants with scores of 135, one in tier 1 and 1 in tier 4, they’re on separate waitlists. Remember that in the above example there are 3 openings at tier 1 and 1 at tier 4. If the tier 1 applicant is #1 on the tier 1 waitlist and the tier 4 applicant is #3 on the tier 4 waitlist, then only the tier 1 applicant will get an offer. If the tier 1 applicant is #3 and the tier 4 applicant is #1, then both will get offers. If the tier 1 applicant is #4 and the tier 4 applicant is #1, then only the tier 4 applicant will get an offer.

        You can rejoin waitlists after declining offers. If your #1 choice is Bell and you get offered your #2, Decatur, you’ll get automatically removed from Bell’s waitlist. If you decline the Decatur offer, you can rejoin Bell’s waitlist. You can also rejoin Decatur’s waitlist if you want.

        • #16750 Reply

          I am confused. Wouldn’t the 2 declined rank seats be redistributed back to the rank rolling waitlist, so the students that are ranking #1 and #2 will be given the seats(no matter what tier they are in)?

          • #16754 Reply

            Everyone who is rank (top 30%) received the offer right off the bat, there are no rank waitlists, only tiers.


    • #16755 Reply

      Just got an offer (4pm) for Keller for 3rd (score was 134).

      I’m torn; my kid really doesn’t want to change schools and it’s a trek for us.  I would prefer a closer school like NTA. But… a bird in the hand…

      ugh this is hard

      • #16756 Reply
        1st grade gifted

        Congrats on getting an offer! Have you visited Keller? I would start with that and see how you feel after talking to teachers/principal and checking out their curriculum.

        • #16757 Reply


          So the thing is that we’re literally at the airport headed out of town for 2 weeks.

          But yes, good advice about everything. I’ll certainly do some compulsive internet stalking.


          I like that it’s a tiny school, I like the focus on the arts, and I like the diversity.

          • #16761 Reply
            1st grade gifted

            That’s the problem with last minute summer admission decisions!!
            Sounds like you did your homework already!

            Good luck and enjoy your time off! The decision will come to you.

      • #16762 Reply

        We declined. The combo of the distance and my kid strongly objecting to leaving his current school just wasn’t something we could get over.

        • #16771 Reply
          1st grade gifted

          Hopefully you will get another offer! Good luck!!

    • #16759 Reply

      For those that have received offers, do the offers usually come at certain times of the day, i.e. 8am or 4pm? Or random times of the day?

      • #16760 Reply

        I got ours at 4, but have not yet received an email.

    • #16768 Reply

      Does anyone have any intel on the program at McPherson? We’re at 4 at the waitlist with 2 spots left for K. I see a lot of people declining offering. I’m aware that it’s a newer program and that they have a new principal so curious if other places are more popular because they are more established or if there is something that I’m missing about McPherson?

      • #16769 Reply
        Good Luck

        I can’t speak for anyone else, but I rejected McPherson last week. My top choice was Pritzker RGC and my daughter had a 133 tier 4 score. I probably would have rejected the offer from McPherson because I think community and commuting will make a big difference over time for my family. But, what made the decision easier was a post on this amazing forum saying someone with my daughter’s same score got an offer from Pritzker. I rejected McPherson last week and got a Pritzker offer this week. I feel so much relief, but I’m still stressing for my son on waitlists for 5th grade.

        • #16781 Reply

          Congratulations on the offer at Pritzker. So exciting. That was our top choice as well but my son is 12th on that list so definitely not getting in. McPherson is one of two selective enrollment schools closest to us so it would work well for us commute and community wise. I’m definitely overthinking it but it does give me pause when I keep hearing that people are declining. However, your answer if very helpful to point out that the declines could be for very specific reasons such as yours rather than anything against the school itself. Thanks for the response!

        • #16783 Reply

          Was your offer at Pritzker for the incoming K grade level? Just trying to understand where we stand on the waiting list for K.  Thanks!

      • #16770 Reply

        We are fortunate that our neighborhood school is Alcott. After looking at both schools, my partner and I both felt that the decision to stick with our neighborhood school was an easy one. Alcott is such a gem and so many nearby friends go there. What’s your neighborhood school?

        • #16782 Reply

          That’s great. It’s so wonderful that you have a fantastic neighborhood school. Our neighborhood school is Budlong which a lot of people in our neighborhood but was not our favorite after our school tours. We are also at the top of some other waitlists for schools in our neighborhood so we’ll just keep our fingers crossed.

      • #16811 Reply

        I haven’t been on this forum in a while, sorry that this is probably too late to help anyone. I just came on to connect with incoming McPherson parents as the summer is in full swing. I see a lot of discussion about the options program at McPherson and will try to respond to some posts. I will have two children there starting next year. I’m happy to share our experiences so far regarding my older child. Also, I’m looking to connect with incoming McPherson kindergarten families.

        In general, we’ve been very happy, and it was an easy choice to rank McPherson as a first choice SEES for our younger child this year.

        I don’t want to share personal info here but maybe join the Parents of McPherson Facebook group and we can connect there.  I’ll be happy to answer questions and arrange meet ups with anyone interested in the school.

        • #16814 Reply

          Hi! My daughter is starting kindergarten in the RGC at McPherson this fall. We would love to connect! I requested to be added to the Parents of McPherson Facebook group a couple of weeks ago, but I haven’t received a response yet. Assuming they approve me, it would be great to set up a meet so our kiddos see some familiar faces in the fall.

    • #16772 Reply
      1st grade gifted

      Got at offer from Pritzker RGC, I am not as excited. Need some convincing that it is better than Alcott (our current school).

      • #16791 Reply

        My daughter is in Pritzker’s rising first grade class.  Did you accept?

    • #16784 Reply

      Got a Skinner North offer for K. We had given up hope, but it looks like info above saying programs are full might be misleading. There is definitely still movement going on in these classes.

      • #16787 Reply

        Thanks for sharing this-helpful to know things are still moving! Milly-curious to know if  SN reached out to you directly before the offer posted in GoCPS? TIA.

      • #16821 Reply

        Congrats! My daughter will be in kinder at SN. did you accept?

    • #16796 Reply

      Does anybody have any experience with Morton RGC? I know it’s still relatively new but it’s piqued my interest. I reached out to the Principal who’s offered to speak with me about the program. My kid is currently accepted at Sheridan for K so I want to be absolutely confident in my decision if I decide to give up that spot for a possible RGC offer.


      • #16816 Reply

        Did you end up choosing Morton? We have an offer too and I’m so torn. I loved the principal and the two parents I spoke to…but weighing it vs. sticking with what we know…

        • #16817 Reply

          No, I declined. I liked the program and the principal too, but distance was a major factor for turning it down, along with some other information about the program that I wasn’t particularly keen about (might be perfectly fine for others, just not something I was willing to deal with in a few years). Going to stick with our magnet offer.

          • #16824 Reply

            Can you elaborate on what it is you weren’t keen about?

            • #16827 Reply

              I wish I could but people will likely take it the wrong way. I will say my decision was based largely on the fact that I am a former Morton student.

    • #16850 Reply

      For those of you who have done this before….how often do offers come right before school (like days) or even after school has begun? Our kiddo has a 99/99 and is between #5-10 on WL for multiple classical schools list as of a few weeks ago (above K entry). Do some students wait until the very last minute to pull from the school or is this generally going to stay stable at this point? TIA for any thoughts.

      • #16851 Reply

        We know at least one person who is not certain whether to go to the Bronzeville classical 1 grade this fall. They accepted but are 99% sure they will be moving to suburbs and will likely not go. This is of course contingent on them finding a house in suburbs this summer. So Bronzeville is their safety net. We also heard from this mom that the same approach is being followed by other families who have accepted Decatur because they are waiting for lottery results where they are 1-2 on waitlists, so it seems that it is possible to have offers from classical and RGC schools in August and September (I believe the cutoff is September 20).

      • #16857 Reply

        The offers do come late – even up to 3rd week of school – BUT – if you are #5-10 then it means 5-10 kids have to leave in order for there to be a space for your child.  By the way, how do you know your number?  Ours only says “waitlist” for Classical – and numbers for Magnet.  In our experience, only 2-3 spots have switched year to year.  Skinner North for example has two classes so maybe it has more turnover than that.

    • #16858 Reply

      How are you people sending your kids to SE and Magnet schools as there will be no bus transportation?  Does anyone have the names of the transportation services and contact person?  Thanks!

      • #16862 Reply

        We were just in contact with Precious Parcels who had spots available for picking up our kid. We didn’t go with them because they had terrible reviews (but maybe you are like my husband who does not believe online reviews anymore) and my daughter is going into kindergarten and that made me nervous.

        We found someone on to pick our daughter up on days when we did not have another family member available.

    • #17582 Reply

      Has anyone received any offers from Decatur schools ? Asking for 3rd grade

Viewing 54 reply threads
Reply To: Reply #16615 in Rolling Waitlist SEES (Gifted Center and Classical) Spring 2023
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