SEES 2023-2024 – 1 grade Applicants

  • This topic has 15 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 2 years ago by cps-thoughts.
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    • #14663 Reply

      Discussion for 1 grade applicants to SEES classical and RGCs

    • #14664 Reply

      If a child takes a SEES test while he is still 5 years old, would questions differ compared to questions to be given when a child is 6 years old?


      Do tiers still matter in decision making for SEES schools?

      • #14665 Reply

        SEES testing is done in a group setting with students bubbling in their responses for grades 1 and above. The questions will therefore be the same for everyone. I think percentiles (for Classical) and scale scores (for RGC) may be determined according to age at time of testing, though it’s possible that’s only done for Kindergarten applicants.

        You should also know that if you’re applying to both gifted and Classical programs, you’ll need to register for two separate testing sessions.

        Tiers only matter in entry years. So Tier will be a factor in Beaubien and Keller 1st grade selections, but not for any other programs.

    • #14667 Reply

      Many thanks, super helpful, Petra.

      Can you elaborate on group setting of the test? Will kids be grouped together (how many in a group?) and then how would they be tested (would teacher read to them or will they have a workbook that they have to read and complete responses in bubble sheet?)?

    • #14721 Reply

      My child is entering the 1st grade next school year. Is there a way to prepare for selective enrollment exams for that grade?

    • #14723 Reply

      For anyone interested, there will be a webinar given by Chicago School GPS and Critical Thinking Child regarding SEES Admissions & Testing for PK-5th grade families on 10/1/22 @ 10am-12:30pm. Lots of the above questions will be answered. Otherwise CPS has this limited info:

      • #14766 Reply

        Will this be presented again or was it recorded?  Thanks!

    • #15160 Reply

      Does anyone know if during Classical test for 1 grade entry a child is reading questions or will questions be read?

      Also, will there be any verbal portion  for Classical 1 grade entry where a child is supposed to talk and explain/elaborate on something?

    • #15225 Reply

      My daughter took the first grade classical test yesterday and she reported that all the questions were read aloud.

    • #15226 Reply

      Thank you. This is very helpful.

      How many kids were there in the group? Were there any questions where they evaluated their ability to read and elaborate on what has been read?

    • #15233 Reply

      About 20 in the group. And yes I believe there is a reading component to the test.

    • #15246 Reply

      My son got tested for classical and said it was a very easy test for incoming first graders. He thought they tested him for kindergarten rather than 1 grade. He said there was no real math, just fact patterns requiring them to add and subtract up to 20, is this what your kiddos were telling you as well? We expected fractions, place value, addition/subtraction up to 100 but it seems that this year the test was different…

    • #15267 Reply

      That is consistent with the report I got, yes. I have never heard of kindergartens learning fractions anywhere including gifted programs…where does your kid go to school?

    • #15273 Reply

      My son also said the exam was easy. I guess in this case they are not testing kids readiness but see who didn’t make mistakes and pay attention to details.

      • #15274 Reply

        I guess in this case they are not testing kids readiness but see who didn’t make mistakes and pay attention to details.

        So you have second-hand information from a 6-7 year old, and you feel confident enough to make this sweeping assumption? What do you think would be the appropriate test to use here?

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