SEES test dates for Kindergarten

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    • #11499 Reply

      Hello everyone – first of all, I just recently discovered this forum, and what a great resource this is – thank you everyone for contributing to this. I hope to contribute too, as I learn and navigate the CPS system 🙂

      I have a quick question, where I was hoping to get some help. I have a 4 year old who will turn 5 next year (next July) and we are interested in the selective enrollment process. I am not able to find any information on the CPS web page on the application dates and also when the actual test dates are for enrollment in Kindergarten in 2021. Could you please help me?



    • #11500 Reply

      Hello and welcome Sunil

      CPS application process typically opens end of Sept or by Oct 1st and has to be submitted by the first week of December.  With the current situations of COVID-19 and the announcement from CPS today being fully remote through at least Nov 8th – it is really hard to say.  Check the site end of September is my recommendation.

      Testing is normally starts in November and can go as far into February or March (varies each year).  This is in-person testing.  Goes back to what I wrote above, it is really hard to say what is going to happen this year.  I think I even heard some the 7th graders did not take their test this past Spring that is used for HS applications.  Someone else may know more.

    • #11501 Reply

      Welcome aboard Sunil so you want to know about CPS selective enrollment process ? ” Run for life go get some help”!! that was my inner thoughts escaping again!! forgive me. Where were we again?  how much can you drink??!! there it goes again.

      It is a great education for your child but it will come with some struggles and damn near part time job understanding the process. You have to learn about the tier system 1-4 and that determines the probability of what school you select and your chances of getting your child into selective school X. It will feel like a part time job and you will meet some nice people also going through the same complex path. Welcome aboard tighten up your chin strap.

    • #11502 Reply

      Oh did I forget to mention to take your keyboard and bash yourself over the head a couple times?

    • #11504 Reply

      Jazzman & Chicagoborn – thank you for taking the time to reply. I think you guys gave me more info in two paras than what I got after spending a lot of time on the CPS website.  I wish they had a flowchart of some sort that explained the entire process and options in one or two pages. Oh well, maybe I can help make one after I learn more about this. Or is that being too ambitious? 🙂

      @Jazzman – lol. I do have a good stash of whiskey which I have collected over the years, it looks like it will come in handy as we navigate this process 🙂

    • #11549 Reply

      CPS just released their dates for the 2021-2022 Application:

      • September 14, 2020: The GoCPS website, with refreshed content for the upcoming admissions cycle, will be available for families to start researching their options.
      • October 12, 2020: The application opens for families to begin to apply.
      • December 11: Deadline for families to submit their applications.

      For more information, please visit or contact the Office of Access and Enrollment at [email protected] or 773-553-2060.

      We also recommend you reach out to for help with your school search (full disclosure- I am affiliated with it, but I am also not hard core on pushing services. We started it to help families save time and sanity!)

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