Selective Enrollment High School Exam

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    • #14780 Reply

      Anyone get insight on the test this year from their kids? My 8th grader said none of his test prep was relevant to the exam content, but hasn’t shared much more. He could certainly be wrong since he’s been tight lipped, hoping for the best.

    • #14783 Reply

      I’m an 8th grader, the math section was completely unexpected, I felt pretty confident from the hours of test prep I did so that sucked. Many of the questions on the HSAT had no direct correlation with test prep materials, according to many of my classmates and me. Reading, vocab, and written in expression was easy, and covered by test prep in my opinion. Have a good one.

    • #14786 Reply

      Thank you for this info! Yes, I’ve heard the math was unexpected by last years students as well. Sounds like you did great, thanks for sharing your experience.

      • #14790 Reply

        My son tested last year and based on what he said, there were couple of harder questions towards the end that are based on what he learned in school but not in the testprep. Frankly, I don’t have much confidence in selective prep’s coverage since they don’t update materials at all. I know that since my daughter is in the AC class and the materials are identical to that of three years ago. Still, I think it’s the best approach to prepare for the test. Test prep helps children to get used to the pace and format of the test, just not necessarily in coverage.

        In any case, if your child finds it hard, others will do so too. So, there is comfort in that. Also, you don’t have to be perfect to score a perfect score.

    • #14791 Reply

      My kiddo said much the same – the math section was rough but the others felt pretty easy. Sounds like many in his class did not quite finish the math; 40 questions in 40 minutes is tough! Such a long wait for results. 🙁 Best of luck to your children!

    • #14807 Reply

      Was it the topics that are from advanced math (such as algebra 2, trigonometry)? Or was it challenging questions within 8th grade level? Can someone share what topics were covered on the test?

    • #14809 Reply

      Agree with the comments, my son thought the math section was hard.  He doe not feel confident about how he did on the exam.  He also said all of his classmates agreed with the test being hard.  I’m not sure if test prep helped him at all…we just have to wait and see now.

    • #14815 Reply

      My 8th grader shared that one-on-one tutoring was far better than the test prep classes.  The feedback from last years test was the Math contained content not yet covered in school, thus why we got a tutor to spend more time on math.  The test covers algebra – quadratic formula, geometry, statistics, decimals, fractions, percents, ratios, number properties, etc. With 40 questions in 40 minutes, kids don’t have time to solve the problem, they have to know it on sight.

      That is a ton of pressure on any person, let alone kids.

      My kid felt prepared for the math section, nothing was a surprise.  That does not mean he answered it all correctly.

      I am very proud of him, regardless of what his score will be as he worked very hard and was a prepared as he could be.  Kids land where they are meant to be.

    • #14822 Reply

      its hannah again! I’m in the AC program, taking Algebra 1 in 7th grade and currently taking IM2. In my opinion I believe the test was specifically designed to cover math aspects that is not usually covered by test prep, to give students a fair chance. Number properties, ratios, percents, volume of a cone and quadratic formula problem i remember, and a few graph analysis problems here and there. I hope i get into Lane lol. Good luck

    • #14840 Reply
      CPS mom

      I’m so glad this forum is back alive. It was down and not accessible for the last couple of days, at least for me. What happened? Also, is there any other forum like this where kids and parents can share information regarding CPS (or Non CPS) high school admission process? If you know one, please let me know!

      I cannot wait for the result to come out! Good luck everyone!

      • #14841 Reply

        The forum seems to go down intermittently… maintenance or who knows?


        Cant wait for results either! Good luck!

      • #14843 Reply

        School discussions also happen at but that one is membership based.

        Would love to know why this forum goes down intermittently and if someone is a savvy forum tech person, would be happy to have them help maintain this. It is a wordpress site hosted by GoDaddy and believe me, it randomly goes down and the “permalinks” randomly stop linking sometimes. GoDaddy support took a while to figure out the random permalink situation so they don’t even know why. It’s super frustrating because there is no warning whatsoever. Feel free to email if anyone is able to help maintain this site.

    • #16634 Reply

      I’m an expert test prep tutor with 20 years of experience. Feel free to reach out to me at

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