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Tagged: Classical, elementary, gifted, GoCPS, notifications, Results, SEES
- This topic has 114 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 7 months ago by KingH.
GoCPS will release 2022-2023 Elementary school results on Friday, 4/29/22 at 5pm. Families have until 5/13/22 to accept or decline any offers received during this Round 1 application. SEES offers are “single choice”, meaning accepting an offer will take you out of the selection pool for any unfilled seats at other SEES schools. https://go.cps.edu/elementary-school/selection
Upper years do not consider CPS Tiers for SEES entry.
A single scaled score will be listed for RGC programs and two reading & math percentile scores will be listed for Classical programs. CPS will not post “cutoff scores” for RGC & Classical programs.
Please post your child’s score(s) and what ranking they placed the school they were offered. Thanks and good luck!
Hi is it 5pm for everyone?
I am assuming it is set at 5pm so that upset parents won’t flood CPS with phone calls.
That’s what I think, too. They don’t want to deal with upset parents or people having technology issues so they do it on a Friday at 5 pm.
They say 5pm every year for all schools. Sometimes it is released early. In 2020, the elementary was released early between 10 – 10:30am. This was after a two week delay where they had to change the release date due to technical issues that occured with HS results.
Interesting. CPS will notify us when the results are ready, right?
Last year, the results were posted around 4:15ish. I kept refreshing all day lol and finally saw it then. Good luck, everyone!
Results are out.
Dad of twoGuest
Offered spot for sixth grade At Pritzker Regional Gifted. Any thoughts/opinions on program?
Hey Dad of two,
My son was offered a spot for sixth grade as well. We’re going to go to the school tour next Wednesday and the orientation next Saturday. Very interested to hear about people’s experiences…we listed Pritzker without knowing much about the school.
Accepted at Decatur Classical with a 149 score, entering first grade.
Was skipped over first choice, at Edison. Truthfully, we would’ve rather done Bell, Pritzker, or Beaubien (which were 3,4,5 choice). Unsure of what we should do now.
May I ask why you prefer the other schools over Decatur? I ask bc we’re considering Decatur and don’t know much about the difference among the schools besides the little we can discover from their respective websites. TIA!
What this the combined Reading / Math score or the RGC score?
Applying for 6th grade. 99/98 (math/reading), 141 gifted. Offered Decatur (we will reject). Staying where we are.
Applying for 1st grade: 99/99 (math and reading) but only 101 RGC…what goes into that RGC that she scored so low but high otherwise? Received no offers with those scores. Is Round 2 even worth it?
I agree, my daughter performed similarly. Last year she scored a 142 in the gifted test but this year received a 122. But also scored in the high 90’s for classical. It just seems really bizarre to me. My friend’s daughter is going into 2nd grade next year and she says that CPS/OAE contacted her and said that the kids who took the test the same day she did were all given the 3rd grade test. So they all had to re-take it. I was wondering if maybe something similar happened to our kids. Another mom I was talking to also said her daughter scored a 142 last year and scored a 96 for RGC this year. It’s more likely that my daughter just underperformed but it seems weird to me that other people are having the same experience, and also given my friend’s story.
Ah, interesting. My daughter is going into 1st grade and also had a big drop this year (2o points). I was talking it over w/ her teacher, and she suggested the test format from K to 1st grade could also have been an issue, as the test went from oral for K to written format for 1st grade. She suggested if our child was not as used to written tests, the test may have been more challenging for that reason. I had not even considered this as a factor before, such a process..
Makes sense. But then her classical scores this year went up by 10 points. And I’m presuming the test format was also written. So how is she ok with the classical written test but not the gifted? I guess I wouldn’t be questioning this so much if not for my friend’s story about getting the wrong test. Oh well.
Our son had the same thing happen. Is currently at an RGC for Kdg and had a score of 140+ last year, 91 this year.
Super weird.
Are those of you that tested again this year trying to move to a different SEES? With the scores your kids got last year, did they not get into their first choice?
This happened to us too! 141 RGC dropped to 114 RGC.
We accepted our 3rd choice in round 1 last year. Tested again to see if we could get into our 1st choice.
We are currently in a gifted program for K. I was trying to see if I could get my older daughter into an options program together with her sister so I had both of them test.
2nd grade admissions: 98/98 — didn’t get anywhere: neither of the skinners, nor bell or edison.
98/98 are Classical math/reading scores which would be applicable for the Skinners. Those seem like great scores and maybe since it’s second grade you will see movement as the schools figure out how many seats they have.
There should be another score that is for gifted (Bell/Edison) that is 3 digits as 1–.
Entering 1st grade, gifted score 128, offered 6th choice Beaubien.
Classical Math – 85, Reading – 99, any chances of Decatur in 2nd round if we reject Beaubien? Older kid goes to Decatur and would love both kids to be in the same school. Thank you!
Cello Decatur mom here. Last I heard from the principal, Decatur is opening another first grade class for next year, so chances may be higher in later rounds than in a typical non-entry year. Can you ask the principal how many seats they intend to fill?
Sure, I will check with the Principal. Thank you.
Sees momGuest
Mipe, with a 149 you’ll almost undoubtedly get an offer at beuabien and I think Pritzker too, with a good shot at bell and Edison, If you pass on Decatur. You just had Decatur ranked higher. accept Scores have trended lower since the pandemic, and a 149 entering 1st is about as good as you can get
Sees momGuest
Erin, I would expect a round 2 classical offer with 99/99 – those schools just do not know if anyone is leaving the classes yet. You don’t have to do anything to get a round 2 offer, just don’t pull the schools.
Decaturmom, I think an 85 math will be tough if you otherwise would like beaubien.
Rgc: 136
Math: 99/ reading 96
Entering 1st grade
Offered first choice at McPherson.
Only know a bit about the school. Anybody have thoughts? We have a great neighborhood school.
Any chance of a classical offer in round 2?
Also is 136 a good RGC score? What schools could my lo get into for 1st grade with that score?
What tier?
Tier 4
I used this doc to help gauge (this is cut scores for kinder only, idk about 1st). https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-hkDJQgLH0FwrIYqSmi9_kqDKXqGbxyU8zhcTse7QGQ/edit
Our son had a 137 and offered McPherson (3rd rank).
Looking at that doc our score wouldn’t have gotten an offer as tier 4 in Bell or Edison.
We are likely to accept McPherson so…see you there?! Lol
WrigleyMom – how has your McPherson experience been? Our daughter was offered a K spot in their RGC, but it’s been hard to find any families with experience there!
We were offered a 4th grade spot at Decatur (score 97R and 98M). Are kids currently attend the same school and our other child was not offered a spot. Curious for insight from parents with kids at Decatur in the older grades? How do they like it? Are they challenged/engaged? How is the school community? Thanks.
Also is 136 a good RGC score?
Yes, it’s a good score. Here’s a decent link to explain IQ score interpretation. Roughly >= 130 is at 98th percentile plus.
Petra has posted minimum scores for schools, and it likely would not be high enough for Bell or Edison, depending on your tier, but very competitive for other RGC.
Let me try again
Tier 3
offered —Pritzker 5th choice
oferred — Hamilton
waitlist #5- Hawthornewhat to do? If we accept do we give up seat at neighborhood school?
Offered at Pritzker RGC – 4th choice. Would love to hold out for Skinner North (older kid there) or Edison or Bell but guessing highly unlikely to get with a 137RGC score and 98math for classical.
Also offered Hawthorne.
Very hard to decide to give up a RGC for Magnet, even though Hawthorne is outstanding
You can always go to your neighborhood school. I think you’d probably get into Hawthorne with that waitlist number. If you accept Pritzker RGC, you can still be on the waitlist for Hawthorne, I believe. I don’t know much about Hawthorne. I have had a good experience at Pritzker K, but I’d consider assessing Pritzker and Hawthorne based on proximity and your kids’ interests. Pritzker has a strong arts program and busses are avail for RGC (with certain proximity- more than 1.5 miles from school but less than 6, I think) if that is of interest. Pritzker also has some upcoming in person tours if that helps!
Thanks Pritzkermom! We’ll definitely check out the tours before deciding. Haven’t received an email from Pritzker. Distance is about same from Pritzker and Hawthorne.
Pritzker has an open house this Saturday 5/7 at 10 SM for accepted students. https://pritzkerschool.org/apps/events2/event.jsp?eREC_ID=3526916&d=2022-05-07&id=0
No, you do not give up your neighborhood school seat if you accept either offer. That will always be there for you. You can even go to one of those schools next school year and go back to your neighborhood school if it doesn’t work out.
Mom of HGuest
Did anyone get an offer for NTA entering 1st? Would you mind sharing your score? Thank you!
My son was offered Kelleher (ranked #1) going into 4th with RGC score of 160.
I thought max for grades above kindergarten is 150?! Anyone can confirm?
My son got offered at Pritzker RGC (tier 4, score 130, second choice), entering first grade.
Would love to hear more about Pritzker RGC from current parents/students! my son currently goes to K at Lincoln. We are not sure whether leaving Lincoln for Pritzker RGC is a right move…
My daughter is in Pritzker RGC K currently so they will be in the same class. We love the parent community and the 1st grade teacher is supposed to be really good. The administration could be better but the program does well despite that. There is an Open House next Saturday, if you’re interested.
@Himama Thank you for the info! We are excited about the opportunity. Will definitely attend the open house next Saturday!
Lakeview momGuest
Did anyone get an offer from Bell for 2nd grade? My son got 148 and didn’t get an offer from Bell or Edison. Just wondering what score is needed.
They may not have any spots to offer right now. That’s a really great score but sometimes there may not be any spots to give. Hoping you hear something in Rd 2.
Lakeview momGuest
For the non entry grade, they might have a spot later on – after families declare no-return. My child got in to Bell two weeks before the school start with 146. His class had 2 new kids that year. You have a great score, might want to follow up with the OAE a few times through the summer 🙂
Lakeview momGuest
Thanks! That’s good to know.
Woodlawn momGuest
RGC offered 1st choice which was the only school we applied to because she already goes there and her brother is in the gifted program there as well. Score 139
Lakeview momGuest
Is the RGC offer for 2nd grade from Bell?
Sees momGuest
I’ve heard great things about the McPHerson program. 136 is good but likely not Bell/Edison offers. If you don’t like it you always still have your neighborhood school. 96 is questionable on classical.
Rising 5th grader offered spot at Pritzker RGC. Currently attends Mayer which we love so it’s a difficult choice.
Score 140
I know very little about Priztker. Our older child attends Skinner North so we are unsure of the logistics. Any Pritzker RGC parents willing to answer some questions?
Class size? # of classrooms per grade? Offer moving sidewalk (for parents that drive)? School hours? Lots of homework?
Think about high school too. Where do you think is realistic for the SN child to end up? Payton, Whitney, Lane, Lincoln…? Take that into account, as a commute can be brutal (talking from the experience), Don’t forget to check the after-school programs too.
Good luck!
Diverse learners and RGCGuest
Diverse learner, has a 504 plan, RGC score 142, classical reading 93/math 64. Offered Lenart which was our first choice – I guess they only use the RGC score, but not sure he’d be able to do the work with those math/reading scores. Thoughts ?
My oldest had very similar scores when she was a rising 1st grader who was offered a spot at Beaubien. I am really glad she went into the program. Math was a challenge for her but eventually she blossomed and it’s now her favorite subject. (She’s a freshman at Lane.)
These tests are a snapshot in time and the SEES gauntlet often feels so arbitrary to me–I don’t know that it’s such a strong of indicator how a child will do in an accelerated program. Perhaps connect with the options coordinator at Lenart to discuss?
I have a question about what the gifted test highest score is for incoming 1st grade testing and above. Online it says “Selections for the kindergarten Regional Gifted Center seats begin as high as 160. Selections for first grade through eighth grade begin at 150. ”
Current Grade: 1
Grade Applying To: 2
Regional Gifted Center Score: 157
So I’m wondering why my child got a score higher than 150…Thanks. -
My child entering 2nd grade got 157 on the gifted and got a spot into Edison. In another separate thread I asked why it’s not maxed out at 150.
We will stay at Skinner North because we think it’s a better school with 2 classes per grade (thus more funding since funding is based on the number of students) and the differentiated small-groups learning for many areas. The teachers at Skinner North focus well on social-emotional learning as well.
it kind of sounds like they gave your kid a kindergarten assessment somehow
First time applying classical program at Skinner West. My Daughter got 99 for both math and reading (entering 4th grade) but didn’t get a spot offered. Are there differences in the same 99? or 99 is considered all the same?ll the same?
there could be 99.5, 99.9 in CPS system while we are only reported integers. So they are ranked using raw scores with decimals. You are so close. Be prepared for an offer in the next few months. No guarantee.
btw, have you applied to skinner north as well?
Thanks for the info! I found here that some parents know decimal points (mostly for kinder entry?) so I was wondering if that was the reason why she didn’t get an offer. We applied SW only.
You probably didn’t get an offer because they don’t know yet if anyone is leaving. So I would say sit tight you may get it later. There are usually only 1-2 spots per class per year.
@ Daddo and Jen – Having experience at RGCs as well as Hawthorne, I would say that for a magnet, Hawthorne does a good job with gifted kids. It is a nurturing environment with good community, and the school is cohesive (vs. an RGC within a neighborhood school which are sometimes awkward) and I have seen changes in the past couple of years that included more challenging curriculum, as well as teachers who are willing to work with your kids to give them “challenge work” that interests them. Class sizes at Hawthorne are also in effect smaller because they have extra academic teachers for core subjects in the lower grades. On the flip side, it’s not the same experience you can get with an entire class of test-in students, and if your child is exceptionally gifted or tends to be bored or distracted in a regular classroom, then an RGC might be a better fit.
@Chicagomom Thank you soooo much for your insight. I think we are going to go with Hawthorne and turn down Pritzger because our kid is a little more rounded and doesn’t need the rigorous classwork to excel and stay interested. I appreciate you replying. Everything helps with such a big decision.
My child got offered to one RGC while our first choice is SN. Getting into 4th grade, R 97 M 99. Can any parents offered SN 4th grade please share your classical scores so we will estimate the chance of getting an offer through the summer. Thanks!
Which RGC?
Have you had the opportunity to do a virtual tour? I have a child in the Bell RGC program, but younger. So can’t provide feedback on the older grades yet. But we really like the school. I would highly recommend a tour to meet the principal if you have not already done so.
thank you! We will tour Bell. We have heard all good things about the school while it is a bit too far for us.
Offered Stone Academy and Pritzker-Gifted. Which would you accept?
Oldest was accepted to Bell RGC and we are waitlisted at other magnet choice options.
I think I know the answer but would sibling preference apply to our younger kid to attend Bell (regular school) if she didn’t get accepted to the RGC. The school is not particularly close to us and we aren’t willing to separate them.
Yes, your younger child would have sibling preference into the neighborhood program.
What grade was the Bell RGC offer for?
RGC is for grade K. Youngest one would be enrolling in two years, we are not in the neighborhood
I would suggest attending the upcoming tour. You can ask about this concern directly to the principal. This generally is the most common concern among anyone on the fence with a SEES offer. But there is sibling preference, and siblings have been offered spots in the past.
Bell is a good place to be with a younger sib, unlike Skinner N or Edison that don’t have a neighborhood program.
I would also ask how many sibling spots they generally give. My understanding is that while there is preference, it is not guaranteed because of the popularity of the neighborhood program. That said. I’d take the Bell spot :), you could always shift in 2 years when your younger child ages in, and accepting the RGC spot doesn’t remove you from the waitlist of the other Choice options.
Raj AryanGuest
My son is in Skinner West neighborhood program and is offered a seat in Pritzker Gifted. Any suggestions on Pritzker RGC ? any experience for 6th grade – How is the school and program ?
Our child received an offer for 1st Grade at Keller RGC. We’re currently at STEM Magnet- an academically excellent school, but with no after school programs. We don’t know any parents with kids at Keller and the school probably won’t be holding any virtual Q&A sessions for parents (at least not that I know of). Can any parents here enlighten us with pros/cons and true insights into how likely my child will love Keller RGC, do they get the chance to learn science through experimentation at an early age. How are the after-school programs? Their website mentions “outside classrooms” – can any parent elaborate? Keller is quite far from us (about 40-min drive each way). STEM Magnet is 10 mins. Is Keller that much better all-around than STEM Magnet for it to be worth the drive? Thank you!
Keller is a fantastic school alot of my friends have nothing but great things to say about the school. However if your son got into Keller they are definitely doing things right at STEM and your household. That commute is tough. Is that 40 min travel with lite travel and good weather? Does Keller match or exceed what they are doing at STEM now and in the upper grades? That commute is major commitment and is it worth it to you and your child?
STEM 7-8th lacks the ability to offer Algebra and the classes are small because they send about half their class to Academic Centers: mostly Kenwood but a few to Lane and WY. Also if you have younger kids, also that should be considered – admission to STEM is almost a guarantee for a sibling and that is not an easy seat to get. STEM is very good up through 6th grade.
Hey STEM_Magnet_Parent! I admittedly don’t know much about STEM Magnet, but I currently have a 4th grader in Keller and have been very involved in the school. I live in Lincoln Park so we make the hike out there. Luckily there are two other families within two blocks of us that also schlep it out there. As jazzman said, the commute is a commitment. Right now we’re okay because we’re using private transportation and getting reimbursed by CPS, but in previous years the bus pickup was around 6:15am and the kids get dropped off in the afternoon around 3:45pm.
Keller has impressive statistics and some glaring shortfalls as well.
The bad
- No music program
- No coding program
- No drama program
- Extracurriculars are lacking (soccer and chess are great, but there’s no debate or math club)
- Everyone is VERY spread out, moreso than most other test-in schools I’d say
The good
- The teachers have all been there a long time. Every teacher we’ve had so far has been very caring and communicative.
- About half of the 6th grade class tests into an academic center in 7th grade.
- Keller finds itself in the top 1 or 2 as far as rankings go on most sites because their test scores and their growth scores are both high.
- The student body is about as diverse as you’ll find anywhere in the city.
- It’s a small school with a small community. Our entire class knows each other despite the distance and we all keep in touch and help each other out via a chat group.
- The academics focus on mastery (doing one topic thoroughly so it sticks with the child) and the whole child (SEL, lots of gym, speech arts competitions, etc.), not speeding through things so that the school can mark off checkboxes
I know this is late, but I hope it helps someone at least!
Thoughts on National Teachers Academy RGC vs. Skinner West Classical?
2nd grader- already in NTA RGC. No offer from SW yet but scores 99/99 so maybe its coming.
1st grader- already in SW classical, no offer from NTA.
Kindergartener- already in SW classical, got NTA RGC offer (131).
We love both schools but only know it for these early years! 2 schools have been manageable- 1 would be nice but not a must, want to do what’s best.
We moved from NTA to Skinner with a 99/99. I think if you wait you may get it. Both are great in lower grades. I would say Skinner has the edge in upper grades.
Entering first grade, RGC score = 133. Offered our second choice, McPherson.
We are leaning towards accepting the offer, as we have heard good things about the RGC program there and are doubtful that this score is high enough to get into our first choice (Bell) in later rounds.
This may be the wrong place to post, but do any parents have information about the neighborhood program at McPherson? We are committed to keeping our son and his younger sibling (entering K in 2023) together. We will test our younger son next year but would like to understand if the neighborhood program is be a viable option that we could apply to as a Choice school if needed.
Our current neighborhood school is Bell. We are planning to tour McPherson next week, but any personal insights would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance, these forums have been so helpful!
This is a total personal opinion and not based on direct experience with either school, but I would choose Bell neighborhood over McPherson RGC. Your kid will have the benefit of proximity- and of having neighborhood friends. If your younger child is very accelerated, they can test into Bell’s RGC. From what I hear, the Bell neighborhood program is lovely and the McPherson RGC is building. The McPherson neighborhood program is weaker than Bell’s neighborhood, so your second child would be in a good spot. While I’ve heard good things about the direction of McPherson, I think it would be a better choice for someone who is looking for an alternative to a neighborhood program that is not as strong as Bell.
As a counter point, I’ll also say that if you wanted to try the McPherson RGC, you CAN always switch back to your neighborhood school once your younger child is there, but it is harder to test in on non-entrance years.
I’m skeptical of this reasoning. We would have jumped on an offer from McPherson but unfortunately didn’t get one. I don’t think a new or building program means it’s worse than an old or established program. We have older kids with experience at Bell, and it’s a good school. But old and established can also mean rigid and stuck. From the comments elsewhere about McPherson and talking to some parents there, it seems like a great option to try. The newness seems to give the program vitality and flexibility. That combo they have of IB and RGC is interesting. We’ve got a good neighborhood backup that will be just fine, but we were excited for the McPherson option.
RGC score = 133 normally is not high for Bell even in the later rounds. My son’s score was 138 and didn’t get an offer from Bell two years ago.
Last year there were no decimals after 99 and the year before. Prior years there were decimals of 99.5 and 99.9. This year I received scores of 99.7 and 99.6, so I guess the decimal could be any digit.
Every year the result could be reported differently I guess.
Is this for K entry or 1st grade above? I have a feeling that for K entry there are decimal points this year, but not for 1st grade above. I found many posts in K entry that report decimal points, but this is the first time I see decimals in 1st grade above.
southside momGuest
My rising second grader got 98 for reading and a 94 for math. Any chance she will get our first choice of Skinner north?
My daughter got 99 in math and 98 reading. Entering second grade. Any luck with skinner North/west. We didn’t receive any offers yet.
Beabien RGCGuest
my kid got 141 RCG score and am interested in attending Beaubien. is there anyone who got an offer from Beaubien RGC? my kid is going to 5th grade.
Beabien RGCGuest
it would be great if i could hear any feedback on Beaubien as well.
Can you apply and test for 1st grade without deciding to leave your K school?
Trying to plan for the following year as LO just got into K 4th choice. I think we’ll just take it for now but we’re hoping to shoot for SN or Edison for 1st grade though.
I’ve heard it’s harder because there are less seats?
You do not have to leave your K school to apply for 1st grade SEES or lottery.
For applying to 1st grade SEES: It is harder because there are typically only 1-2 seats unless it’s a school where 1st is an entry grade. Also there are no tiers. Think of it this way – of all the kids who apply, you need to have one of the top couple of scores. Also the calls can come late [even in August/September], after they know who is leaving. It is possible, some people have done it successfully – it is just difficult.
2nd grader scored 99/98 and RCG 160. First choice was SN but got offer to Bell.
Older child attends SN. Anyone have experience with children at both SN and Bell? Doable? Not convenient situation at all if they attended these schools separately. 2nd grader really enjoys neighborhood school and we may just continue to retest next year. She tests very well and seems genuinely bright so I’m not as concerned about looking back on this as a missed opportunity, but I wonder.
Any thoughts?
That’s a great classical score, so you could hold out and see if you get a spot in a later round at Skinner North if one happens to open up. We know a few families with kids at both schools, they use the bus to make it work, though there’s some issues with busing.
We have a mom at SN with 2 kids, one at SN and 2nd at Bell.
The thing is she had them both at SN, but then the older one tested into Bell and she accepted and transferred one of them from SN into Bell. Not sure if she is trying to get the younger one into Bell eventually, but for now driving both kids into two different schools.
Bell is closer to their home though.
southside momGuest
What is the plan for wait lists? Is there a way to see where we stand on them? My rising second grader 98 reading and 94 math. Just wondering if we have a chance at our first choice of SN?
They do not publish where you are on the list. With that score, you are probably pretty high but usually there are only a few spots because someone has to leave to make a spot – and there may be several kids that had higher scores. I had a kid with 99s that did get it for 1st grade [there were two new kids that year], and another kid with 94/99 that did not get it for 4th, but that was Skinner West. At North, at least there are two classes…..so potentially a larger handful of spots. Good luck!
URGENT, since we only have 24 hours left to make a decision: Twins entering 2nd grade. RGC 140 and 138. Kid who scored 140 was offered at Bell last week but we declined because we thought that the Bell neighborhood wait-list was too long to get second kid in. Now, the kid who scored 138 was offered the RGC seat and both also got lottery seats in the neighborhood program. Kid with the 140 is really the one who needs the RGC curriculum and I imagine that the principal could work with is to get him the seat back (that we originally turned down), but it seems pretty intense! Any parents of Bell 2nd graders who can reflect on the stress/expectations of the 2nd grade teacher? Also, Bell is enormous! Is community fostered between the different classrooms or do they pretty much stay separate (RGC from neighborhood)? Hard to introduce classism between twins…
It could be the same one seat that was offered to the 138 twin after 140 declined. While the principal may not be able to get you another seat for the 140 twin as it is OAE that oversees SEES, not schools and principals, I would accept the RGC for the 138 twin and lottery for the 140 and try to get the 140 into their RGC for next year.
All classes at Bell mingle during lunch and recess, RGC does not stand as something separate.
Congrats and good luck!
cps thoughtsGuest
This is what I recommend:
1. Accept the seat for 138.
2. Re-add 140 to the R2 waitlist for Bell’s RGC NOW.
3. Wait a week to see if 140 receives an offer. If there is capacity, 140 should receive an offer. A score of 140 will likely place him right back at the top of the waitlist (after all, you know they’ve made their way down to 138 already).
4. If there is no second RCG offer, and you think 140 needs the seat more, contact OAE via email and see if you can swap 138’s slot and 140’s. Since there’s no capacity or eligibility problem, you may be able to do so.
If you’ve already declined both seats, but want to see if there’s a chance of salvaging both, I strongly recommend emailing OAE and cc’ing Bell’s admin. If Bell still has at least 2 seats to fill in 2nd grade and no open offers, they may be willing to allow you to accept the seats — schools know these decisions can be trickier when you want to keep twins together. If Bell is willing to release these seats to you, OAE can recover the expired offers.
Son currently attending Decatur and received an offer from Beaubien RGC for 4th grade. Is it worth the switch? Any insights into curriculum advancement at Beaubien? Is it 1 grade level or 2 grade levels? Thank you!
New to the forum and don’t know much about SEES tests. I was wondering how much does the choice ranking matter? Thanks!
The general advice is to rank schools in the order you want them.