Thoughts on Beaubien RGC

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    • #12219 Reply

      I’m looking to learn how Beaubien RGC compares to all RGC schools in regards to curriculum. It’s easy to locate information on Edison but I can’t find a lot of information on Beaubien.  Any info will be helpful

    • #12222 Reply

      They don’t break out information for just the gifted students in the programs housed within a magnet program or neighborhood school.  So it’s hard to compare to an all gifted school like Edison. But Beaubien scores just as well overall as Pritzker according to the state report card. Both Pritzker and Beaubien have one gifted class per grade. I would think the curriculum is the same in both schools since that is set at the district level.


      Here is a link to the State report Card for Pritzker

      Here is a link to the State report Card for Beaubien

      • #12230 Reply

        Thank you for this information! Do you know if they teach the same content at Beaubien and Pritzker as they would at Edison?

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