Tiers are now updated

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    • #15335 Reply
      8th parent

      Tiers were updated!

      My neighborhood went from tier 3 to tier 4 and now my kids great score (889) is below last years cutoff for her first choice, Jones. I don’t even have the heart to tell her. She was so excited about having a shot.

      I know everyone has complicated feelings about the tier system but I’m just still furious that they chose to make these updates now instead of sometime between June and December when it wouldn’t change someones chances. And that they had said they wouldn’t do this, but then they did.

    • #15353 Reply

      This is so frustrating and I’m sorry that your family is dealing with this. It’s definitely strange timing to update tiers in the middle of the application process. I hope that your daughter is still able to make it into Jones, but even if she doesn’t, that it all works out for the best and she has a wonderful experience and great education wherever she ends up.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 12 months ago by Mara.
      • #15357 Reply
        8th parent

        Thank you. Our other kid is at Lincoln Park which she’s thriving at and I also feel great about Whitney and Lane (she just really wanted that block schedule!)

        She’s a very motivated kid and will do well anywhere. But this system is the pits:( I’ll be so glad after March to never have to think about this ever again!

    • #15381 Reply

      Does anyone know if the tiers are distributed equally among the population?  It seems with the latest change that they are packing tier 4 and thus getting around not removing the Rank category by just moving more addresses into tier 4.

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