When do the Tiers can re-evaluated each year?

Home Forums CPS High Schools Selective Enrollment High Schools (SEHS) When do the Tiers can re-evaluated each year?


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    • #19209 Reply

      Child is taking selective enrollment test in in the Fall. Does anyone know when this year the tiers are re-evaluated and locked in?

      We went down a tier last year (which was surprising) but wanted to know what the actually tier will be when she takes the test later this year.

    • #19228 Reply

      Tiers for 2025-2026 were set around when the application opened in Fall 2024. If you visit the school search tab https://www.cps.edu/gocps/gocps-school-search/ and turn on the CPS Tier overlay and click on a tier, you will see the language that confirms that:
      “Valid for the 2025-2026 application process that takes place during
      the 2024-2025 School Year.”

      • #19232 Reply

        I was looking for the 2026 – 2027 school year with regards to the test that will be taken in Fall 2025.

        Do you know if the tiers are always set in the Fall right before the test?


        • #19233 Reply

          No, not always. There were years when tiers were updated some time in winter after the application closed.

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