Will Scores really come out mid feb?

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    • #10284 Reply

      My daughter took the selective enrollment test in December.  Will she get her results back for the test in the middle of Feb?  What exactly do we learn with these scores?  Basically do we learn the total points our child has received and then we can compare that to last years cut offs?  Is anybody out there?  I am anxious!


    • #10286 Reply

      GoCPS’s website says that high school notifications will come out on March 27, 2020.  The portal will have a link to your child’s “notification letter”, which will list their score and any single offer for SEHS and if they did the “Choice Application”, a single offer is on a link for that result as well. Basically check your child’s GoCPS portal on March 27, but sometimes it doesn’t come out until 5pm or so.

      Cutoff scores for SEHS are usually released sometime that day or early the next day on the same website.

    • #10293 Reply

      From Go CPS: Students who take the test in November and December will receive their scores by mid-February. Students who test on all other test dates will receive their scores in March 2020, with their application results.

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by 8thGradeMom.
      • #10295 Reply

        So to spell this out, we will get her actual score and point value for the SES test in Feb?  Was that how it worked last year?   Does this happen on the website also?  Thanks all!  My kid is def less anxious than I am.  Haha

        • #10296 Reply

          That’s what the website says so I assume yes. I also assume it will be on GoCPS but not sure how we’ll be notified that they have been entered and transparent. Maybe somebody out there can clarify as this is also my first year doing this. I think previously tests were  given as early as October with scores revealed in January.

    • #10297 Reply

      In prior years, if a student tested by early November, their test scores were returned before the close of the application and they could determine their 900 point total prior to final submission of their application. Essentially, those students who had 899-900 points would be guaranteed their 1st choice SEHS. Cutoff scores would not be determined or released until the first round notifications came out in March, but those with perfect or near perfect scores have always received their first choice school.

      This is the first year CPS has talked of releasing scores after the application deadline. If they release before the re-rank deadline of Feb 3, then it could make sense but I haven’t seen a definitive date on the early score release beyond “by early February”.  This leads us to believe they are shooting to release the Nov/Dec scores by Feb 1 or 2.

    • #10298 Reply
      New to CPS

      Thanks all- this is really helpful.  Appreciate it!  I guess we will see what happens in Feb.  my daughter had 99 and 95 on her MAP but zero idea how she did on SE.  She didn’t feel great about it and we are tier 4.  Likely we won’t know anything about where she will get in until March, huh?

      Does anyone know how “hard” this year will be?  Are more or less kids applying?   Trends?  Everyone I spoke to this year is ranking Jones 1st.  That is my dd’s first choice.

    • #10316 Reply

      I called OAE last week and was told that test scores for students who took the test in Nov and Dec will be MAILED by mid-February. They will not be posted online.  Official decisions 3/27.  Now I have to stalk our unreliable mail person : /

    • #10328 Reply
      New to CPS

      Thanks for calling.   I agree, I’ll never get those results.  Mail is so bad in my hood.  Let us know if anyone receives them.

    • #10330 Reply

      My child chose 3 the most difficult to get in selective schools. Is there a chance she might not get into any of those schools? If yes, how will she be notified? Also on March 27? Please advice.

    • #10332 Reply

      You should already know how she scored on he NWEA MAP test and your tier group based on your address.  Then you can look at the calculator listed here and elsewhere to see the point total she needed to get on her Selective Enrollment to see how much she needs to get into the schools she ranked.  Yes, it is possible she wouldn’t get into any of them.  Then she would be able to rerank for round 2 or there is always your neighborhood school.  We find out March 27th about admissions and possibly in Feb about scores.   I heard above that scores will be mailed if students took the test in Nov, Dec.  GL!!!

    • #10336 Reply

      Can you comment on Jones being the number 1 choice for you and a lot of people you know? Is it becoming better than Payton or NS?


    • #10347 Reply

      Anyone receive scores yet?

    • #10350 Reply

      Nothing and not in today’s mail either. No mail Monday. Painful.

    • #10359 Reply

      Based on rumor alone, I heard it might surpass WP and NS.  I also heard Lane was going to get harder this year.  A lot more interest.  I wish these scores would be put out on the website.

    • #10372 Reply

      My son got his letter today. They were supposedly mailed on Thursday.

    • #10374 Reply

      Did anyone get results from entrance exam yet? I wish we signed up for exam much earlier. My daughter took that exam in January. My understanding is that she won’t get her results until the end of March.

    • #10375 Reply

      We got our letter today with  our admissions exam score, Which were sent out on 214 to November and December test takers.  Based on the score, we feel like we know which school we will get an offer from (barring any extreme shifts in cutoffs compared to last year).

      January test takers will find out their exam scores when the selection process results are released to everyone — which is on March 27.

      The letter says that “the selection process will take place in March and results will be released on March 27.  Parents will receive a robocall and email earlier that week which will contain instructions on accessing your child’s results.“

      Best wishes to everyone!



    • #10376 Reply
      A CPS Mom

      My son tested Dec. 14. Test results arrived today:

      Reading comp: 95

      Vocab: 88

      Language Arts grammar: 97

      Math word problems: 97

      Core: 98

      score was 297

      As you can see, math must be VERY heavily weighted. Not sure how that’s a 98, but we will definitely take it!

      He is thrilled, as are we.

      Tier 4

      All As

      99 math

      89 reading

      Looks like Whitney for him, his first choice.

    • #10377 Reply

      So exciting!!  Great news for you.  We are out of town this week and have to wait to hear until next week,  ughh. Keep posting people!  I want to know how these scores work.

    • #10379 Reply
      CPS Mom

      Took the test Dec 7, 2020

      Received results Feb 19, 2020

      Reading Comp.   93

      Vocabulary.         92

      Language Arts.   94

      Math.                   97

      Core Score      97

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