From CPS Office of Access & Enrollment:
“CPS is now administering the NWEA MAP exam to non-CPS students in the spring in order to align with the NWEA MAP testing schedule offered to students enrolled in the Chicago Public Schools system. CPS is now accepting NWEA MAP registration forms for non–CPS students who plan to apply to grades 5-9 for the 2021-2022 school year to Selective Enrollment Elementary Schools and high schools with academic requirements including, but not limited to, CTE-College and Career Academies, IB High Schools, Magnet High Schools, Service Leadership Academies, and Selective Enrollment High Schools.
For students who do not currently attend a CPS school, will not be enrolled at a CPS school for the 2020-2021 school year, and will be applying to any of the aforementioned schools for grades 5-9 for the 2021-2022 school year, the NWEA MAP will be offered free of charge at multiple locations around the city.
Click the links below to access the NWEA MAP registration form and additional information. The test will be offered on two weekends in May 2020 and one weekend in June 2020. In order for students to be scheduled to take the test in May or June, completed registration forms must be received by the Office of Access and Enrollment no later than April 3, 2020. Submission instructions are on the registration form.
Frequently Asked Questions
Please note that the NWEA MAP test is used by the Chicago Public Schools system to determine student eligibility to apply to schools and programs with academic criteria. The NWEA MAP is NOT the admissions exam for Selective Enrollment schools. If you are interested in Selective Enrollment schools, the NWEA MAP scores will be used to determine whether their children are eligible to take the Selective Enrollment admissions exam. If your child is eligible to take the Selective Enrollment admissions exam, you will submit a GoCPS application and schedule the Selective Enrollment admissions exam during the regular application period this fall. More information on this process will be provided when you receive your child’s NWEA MAP test notification letter, approximately 1-2 weeks before your child’s NWEA MAP test date.
In addition, note that NWEA MAP scores will only be reported in reading and math percentiles. You will not receive an NWEA MAP score report or RIT scores. Further, it is important for your to be aware that this test is only offered for students who are planning to apply to Chicago public schools for enrollment in the 2021-2022 school year. It is NOT designed for parents to use as a practice exam for enrollment in subsequent school years.”