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CPS High Schools
Post info/questions regarding CPS high schools below or check out the helpful high school information at the GoCPS site.
- 130
- 2 days, 16 hours ago
General Discussion
Welcome to the ChicagoSchoolOptions school forum. This is an entirely new endeavor and one that will evolve over time. Please bear with us as we are learning along with the community how to make this most efficient and useful to all.
- 27
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School Tours, Coffees or Open Houses
Schools and families are welcome to post information about upcoming opportunities to tour or experience a school. Please try to include the school name and date of event in the subject line.
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Chicago Public Schools (CPS)
Chicago Public Schools (CPS) launched a new website with helpful tools and resources for parents. Check out GoCPS . Their old website at CPSOAE also has a lot of residual information that is still very useful. Some interesting Stats & Facts can be found HERE including number of schools, students, budget, etc.
- 399
- 2 days, 9 hours ago
Charter Schools
Public schools open to all Chicago children. Charters are approved by the Board of Education but operate independently from the Board and each other. Each charter school has a curriculum, schedule, calendar and admissions procedures that may differ from other public schools. There are charter schools operated by community organizations, universities, foundations, and teachers—all are held accountable for high student academic achievement by the Board of Education. Generally, charter schools admit students based on lottery. No attendance boundary for most Charter schools. Students across the city can apply and are accepted by random lottery if more applications than available spaces.
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- Private Schools
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Special Needs/Learning Differences
Please post any information or questions you have regarding special needs education.
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CPS High Schools