Questions about tests for classical and gifted schools for 1st grade.

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    • #11571 Reply


      I am glad  this website available! We moved to Chicago early this year and I am still learning about Chicago public school system. My son is currently in Kindergarten and we are preparing tests for SEES(classical and RGC) for 1st grade. I’ve heard that if children applying for 1st grade programs are tested in groups and also child will fill in the bubble answer during the test. Is that correct? Also, do we need to schedule two appointments for the both tests?  I would be appreciated any advice here.

      Thank you!

      • This topic was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by 99sunnyday.
    • #11578 Reply

      yes that is correct do it as a group and they do have to do fill in bubble questions so make sure they are comfortable doing that and staying on that line of possible bubble answers. No penalties for wrong answers so guessing is encouraged if they dont know the answer.

      • #11595 Reply

        Thank you very much for your reply, Jazzman!

        Also, do you know how many kids will be in the group during the test? Will an examiner read the questions? or will kids need to read the question themselves?

        Thank you again. Your answer is super helpful!


        • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by 99sunnyday.
    • #11662 Reply

      Can anyone provide additional information on 1st grade testing?

      How long is the test?

      Are the questions read to the kids or are they supposed to read it?

      How big are the groups?

      Are the classical and gifted tests on 2 different times?



    • #11666 Reply

      For 1st grade, the tests are still read to the kids.

      Groups are usually about 20 kids and the test lasts up to 1 hour.

      Classical and gifted tests are given on two different dates.

    • #11678 Reply
      Na Na

      Hello my daughter is in Kindergarten we are looking into SEES and classical schools. I was wondering what these exam expect. Do they expect the kindergarteners to be at a 1st grade, 2nd grade, or 3rd grade level? I am wondering to try my best to prepare her.

    • #11684 Reply

      It depends on which classical school(s) you are looking at, but the usually competitive nature of trying to get in after Kindergarten means that, to be safe, top performance with first grade contents is necessary and a moderate proficiency with second grade stuff is desirable.  Gifted centers’ entry is quite unpredictable.

    • #11699 Reply

      Is group testing still going to occur with COVID?

    • #11713 Reply
      Chicago Born

      Are the bubbles on a scantron or regular sheet of paper with words or images?

    • #11723 Reply

      Will the gifted test be a bubble in scantron as well? I was hoping it was more like the kindergarten test and one on one. It’s in a large room with lots of kids? I’m curious how they will handle it with covid precautions.

    • #11808 Reply
      J C

      My Kindergartener will be testing for 1st grade. She has zero experience with any kind of paper testing. Does anyone know whether scantrons will be used or is it a booklet with questions and multiple choice answers?

      • #11809 Reply

        <p style=”text-align: left;”>It is a booklet where you have to bubble the correct answer.</p>

        • #11814 Reply

          Thank you! Was really hoping it wasn’t a scantron.

    • #13275 Reply

      How is date of birth taken into consideration in gifted testing? For example, when a child is younger than her peers? I’m just curious about the actual impact. I have read that date of birth is taken into account, but how?



      • #13281 Reply

        A child is compared to other children of the same age, according to birthday. A child of 4 years, 5 months will be compared to other children of the same age. They wouldn’t expect a 4 yr old to know as much as a 6 yr old.

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