Spring 2023- CPS ES Choice Results (lottery based)

Home Forums Chicago Public Schools (CPS) CPS Elementary Schools Magnet & Open Enrollment (Choice) Elementary Schools Spring 2023- CPS ES Choice Results (lottery based)

  • This topic has 102 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 3 months, 3 weeks ago by chicagoschooloptions.
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    • #15807 Reply

      CPS will release elementary school offers for any programs applied to via the GoCPS applications (SEES & Choice Programs) as follows:

      • APRIL 21st, 2023 – Results Released
      • MAY 12th, 2023 – Accept/Decline Deadline
      • MAY 22nd, 2023 – Rolling Waitlist Process Opens
      • 2 BUSINESS DAYS AFTER OFFER ISSUED – Waitlist Accept/Decline Deadline

      Please feel free to post results to share.  Applicants may be offered one Selective Enrollment ES offer (if applicable) and multiple Choice offers. Their neighborhood school is always available for them to attend at any time.

      Comment below for Choice (lottery) results and include your child’s grade, offer and Tier if it was the entry year of a magnet program.  Good luck!

      Here is a slidedeck on “Selections Process Explained”

    • #15897 Reply

      I guess I’ll start.

      My daughter was waitlisted everywhere.

      Tier 4. I will only include schools with the lowest waitlist numbers:


      Chicago World Language (40)

      Galileo (3)

      Lasalle I (45)

      Lasalle II (51)

      Sheridan (12)

      Lenart (waitlist)


      Out of the list, I would prefer she go to either of the Lasalle’s or Chicago World Language.


      Suck that she didn’t get a single offer though.

      • #16174 Reply
        Jen W

        we got offered lasalle  and alcott (sibling priority).


        Meyer -146


        hamilton -217


        pritizer 340.

        accepted – Alcott .. Also, declined and withdrew from other waitlists.

        My tip is to check the schools website.. read LSC meeting minutes or state of school report.. They sometimes the neighborhood boundary schools will indicate if they plan on taking kids off lottery. Sometimes if you are in the 40-60 its still is a chance…it just depends on the school and current capacity. Also many kids take other spots.. Its important to withdraw from schools that you aren’t holding out for.. it gives other parents realistic idea of where they stand.



      • #16207 Reply

        If you have an offer at LaSalle or being waislisted, we have a number of in person and virtual tours coming up (plus playdates), check out http://www.lasallechicago.com for more details. I have 2 kids there now (k and 3rd grade, i am also on FOL and LSC) so can give you some insight of the school.

    • #15914 Reply

      What is the difference between General vs Proximity in the wait-list?

      Unfortunately we didn’t get any offer for our daughter 😞

      • #16252 Reply

        proximity means you live within 1.5 miles of the school.

        you get a different waitlist for that.

    • #15919 Reply

      Incoming first grader.

      0 offers as well with 13 choice schools. 1 regional gifted wait-list. And 2 not eligible classical.


      Very disappointing.

    • #15922 Reply

      Forgot to add this is for Kindergarten

    • #15926 Reply
      Sticking with Catholic

      Tier 3- 5th Grade

      Offered Pritzker

      Burr- 10


      Hawthorne- 58

      Lincoln- 13

      Mitchell- 5


      Skinner- 75

      STEM- 47

      • #16253 Reply

        Mitchell will likely move, if you want that it’s a good number.

        • #16929 Reply

          Sticking with Catholic – did you ever receive any offers? Thanks!

    • #15936 Reply

      For 2nd grade, Tier 4:



      Hamilton 17




      Skinner W-50


      FWIW for those parents going through the process, in my experience (3rd time around the block), waitlists move a surprising amount over the summer, so have hope. We put our applications in before we were sure we were happy at our current school, so we’re actually staying put, just posting for info for others.

      • #15939 Reply

        Hi, how were you able to see your waitlist number?  For Skinner N, I only see “General” under the waitlist #.

        • #15941 Reply

          That was just for Skinner W open enrollment. We didn’t do SEES testing.

          • #15957 Reply

            Ah!!Got it thank you!

        • #16020 Reply

          I don’t believe they give waitlist numbers for SEES. they re configure the waitlist often because of kids re entering waitlist based on test scores

    • #15938 Reply

      For 4th Grade:

      skinner & skinner north waitlist

      hawthorne 60

      burr 2

      drummond 4

      burley 28

      coonley 22

      Waters 7

      Ravenswood 10

      Pritzker 33

      and so on..

      bummed to have no options but hoping the waitlist, we have been at a private school since prek and 100% time to leave, so really banking on something working out. Que the momxiety.



    • #15977 Reply

      Kindergarten Tier 4

      World Language – WL 59-proximity

      Galileo – offer

      STEM – offer

      Leaning toward Galileo because it seems to have a more robust community than STEM. But I REALLY wanted World Language. Does anyone know how many seats are given for proximity? Or have thoughts on STEM vs Galileo?

      • #16079 Reply

        Congrats on the offers! I am probably not going to help you a ton other than to say we know 3 separate families from K and 1st at STEM who love it. The teachers at the younger grade levels are awesome and very engaged. Not as knowledgeable about the older grades.
        I do not have info on Galileo – but I am pretty sure both of the schools will respond if you have direct questions and possibly even offer a tour.

      • #16254 Reply

        STEM has very strong academics.  Most kids go to academic centers after STEM [Kenwood, Lane, Whitney Young] – so if that’s a factor for you….it’s something to consider.  they also have more homework and the comment about community is probably valid based on my experience at STEM.

    • #15981 Reply


      What does “proximity” mean vs. “General” for waitlisted schools? Do proximity move at a different rate than general?

      We didn’t get it into any of the 20 choice schools. Our highest waitlist is

      #8 “proximity” Lasalle II

      We also got into Morton RGC if anyone has some insight on this program 🙂



      • #16018 Reply

        There are 2 separate lotteries for proximity and general. Proximity means you live within 1.5 miles of the school. So when families from the proximity list decline those spots are offered to the students on the proximity waitlist.

      • #16051 Reply

        We are at Morton RGC for 1st grade this year and have been really happy.  Small class sizes and really committed and engaged teachers.  Incredibly diverse RGC classes, all races represented.  Our daughter’s class has a great group of kids and they really encourage each other.  Happy to answer more questions.

        • #16081 Reply

          That’s awesome! Thanks for reaching out! How big is her class? I know they have a principal transition right now – does the school as a whole seem like a healthy positive place? Are there any performing arts (music, drama, dance) opportunities – I saw that there is a school visual arts teacher but wondering if there’s an intentional integration or after school options? Any other general info would be awesome! And thanks again!


          • #16159 Reply

            1st grade is *really* small right now because that was the first year the RGC program launched.  It is just 9 kids.

            The school really places an emphasis on social emotional learning, and you feel it in the school.  The teachers are all committed to it, so that has been really positive.  I think the small size of the school overall (180 kids) really fosters that environment too.  All the staff know the kids names, etc.   Core teachers also do some integration in the classroom around special events.  There was a big celebration around Black History Month and each class performed in the assembly.

            There is a FT art teacher, so all the kids have art at least once a week.  Other specials are French and gym.  There is not music right now.  There is a task force being formed to figure out how to expand fine arts programming at the school, so I’m optimistic there for the future.

        • #16082 Reply

          Also if you had a moment to chat or text that’d be great. If not totally understand. 847-636-1916 (Annie)

        • #16794 Reply

          Hi there,

          I just added my daughter to the waitlist for Morton RGC after receiving an email that spots were still available for kindergarten. Would love to get more information if you have time to talk.

          • #16800 Reply

            Hi hydeparkuniversity — happy to talk if it would help.  Could you share your email or phone?

    • #16034 Reply

      Tier 4, kindergarten entry. #13 on proximity waitlist for Hawthorne. Anyone have a sense of whether the proximity waitlist for Hawthorne moves much? I’m assuming there’s not much movement on that list due to it being a popular option in the neighborhood.

      • #16069 Reply

        I was on proximity 2 year ago and it only moved 7 spots.

        • #16074 Reply

          Thanks for this info! Appreciate it!

          • #16233 Reply

            My friend’s son got an offer from Hawthorne last year just days before the school year started. He was #6 in the waitlist.

            • #16234 Reply

              Good to know! Thank you for this info!

            • #16239 Reply

              One follow-up question for you (if you know) … was he #6 on the waitlist from the beginning of the process or had he moved up to that spot over the course of the spring/summer? Just trying to gauge whether the proximity list ever gets past #10. From what I’ve been seeing, it doesn’t seem like it! Thanks for any help you can provide 🙂

            • #16302 Reply

              Was this proximity waitlist? We’re #8 tier 3 for Hawthorne…seems so close but very nervous it’s not :/

    • #16087 Reply


      Kindergarden entry… I am in skinner west neighbourhood. Got offers from Disney magnet and World language academy. I have no idea. Should I go for accepting any magnet or the skinner neighbourhood program is better?  I know the classicals are very good. but its waiting list.

      • #16383 Reply

        If you are talking academics I think SW neighborhood is better performing than World Language.   Not sure about Disney.  Also factor in convenience.

    • #16092 Reply

      We have an offer from Thorp, and other than that some say it’s a good magnet school, I don’t know much about it. Anyone able to advise? Thanks!

    • #16114 Reply

      For waitlists… would love to hear if you think we’ll get offers at these numbers?

      # 1 Coonley

      #7 Mayer

      #16 Lincoln Park

      #17 Audubon


    • #16151 Reply

      is it possible to check and where which number has a child on the waitlist for selective enrolment? My child for 3 selective enrolment schools is on the waiting list. If I call CPS or the school, will they tell me if my child has a chance?

      • #16269 Reply

        They don’t release waitlist numbers for selective enrollment.  There is another thread on this website for selective enrollment and people are posting their kid’s score, their tier, and where they got offers.  That can help you gauge likelihood.  There is also a spreadsheet that was posted on scores from past years.

    • #16171 Reply
      Northside mama

      0 offers to Choice Schools

      1 offer to selective enrollment.

      listing the lowest waitlists:

      Disney II -30

      Inter American – 10

      Linne – 8

      Has anyone seen movement on these waitlists in years past?

      • #16172 Reply
        Northside mama

        Forgot to mention – Tier 3- Kindergarten

      • #16236 Reply

        Four years ago when my kids was waitlisted #26 for Disney II K grade, I called the school office. The school office said historically the waitlist didn’t move beyond 20. At the end of August when I had a final check of the waitlist numbers of all the schools we applied, we were #8 or #9 with Disney II.

        Hope this gives you an idea of the wait listing situation in Disney II.

        • #16263 Reply
          Nothside Mama

          Very helpful, thanks for sharing!

    • #16175 Reply

      The 2 schools we’d most love to get offers from for K:

      Alcott – 69 (General)

      Hamilton – 162 (General)

      Any chance?

      • #16214 Reply
        Jen W

        My daughter was mid 60’s at Alcott 4 years ago.. and got in later in the summer. BUT I do know now that they consolidated classrooms this year’ from 3 homerooms to 2 for grades 1st-5th.  Hoping to free up more rooms for whatever – Library etc.. LSC does not want to  take many off lottery list (according to state of school address). My daughter got a spot for k for next year (sibling preference), I was concerned she wouldn’t due to change in the number of rooms. Last year, some siblings were wait-listed and then got accepted.  I believe that they have 3 kinder classes now.. Not sure how that will translate into current plan for them going into first grade.

        Schools are always changing… and waitlist have alot of variables. So just keep in contact with principal/school to see how it is progressing. and express your interest.. If you get an offer it probably won’t be until late summer.. SO make sure you flag your in box.. you only have 24 hours to accept when they send those out. Good luck.

        • #16217 Reply

          Thank you so much. This is really helpful.

        • #16284 Reply
          Another LP Parent

          The three kinder classes were intended to provide smaller classrooms and to preserve teachers with the shift to an overall smaller school. The overall numbers are still only two classrooms worth and those will be combined into two first grades.  The same thing may happen again next year depending on budget but it doesn’t impact the overall numbers – Alcott is still a 2 classroom equivalent KG grade, with a target around 56 total. It is going to be very difficult to get in with a waitlist in the 60s after neighborhood and siblings fill up. Different picture than 4 years ago.

          • #16285 Reply

            Yes, I understand.  Thanks for chiming in.  I agree that a waitlist in the 60’s would be extremely unlikely.  Really was hoping for better luck.  We’ll have to try again next year.

          • #16825 Reply

            In case it’s helpful to anyone, we received an offer for Alcott yesterday off the waitlist for K.  Miracles do happen!

    • #16208 Reply

      My child is on the selective enrollment waitlist for Beaubien and 18th general waitlist for this school. Any chance it will get?

    • #16268 Reply

      Does anyone know why we would be placed on a general waitlist for a school that we are half a mile from? Wouldn’t we be placed on the proximity waitlist? This is for Kindergarten. Thanks in advance for any advice 🙂

      • #16276 Reply

        Not all schools have proximity waitlists. Only magnets have them (and it’s not every magnet, either), and they only offer proximity preference at the entry year.

        • #16340 Reply

          Thank you! So helpful 👍

    • #16289 Reply

      Hi all!

      We’re #8 tier 3 waitlist at Hawthorne for Kindergarten. Does the waitlist move by tiers? For example, would 7 kids in tier 3 have to decline before it moves to us, or does it work differently?


      • #16306 Reply

        Yes, I believe that’s correct. There are 6 waitlists for Hawthorne for kindergarten entry. The 4 tiers plus sibling and proximity. Each waitlist moves independently of the others, as you’ve noted. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong — this is what I remember from touring in the fall!

    • #16304 Reply

      Tier 4 – Kindergarten

      Bell – 13 on waitlist (sibling preference)
      Disney II – 76 on waitlist (proximity preference)

      Two years ago my middle child was #6 on the waitlist at Bell and they were the last one to get accepted because we knew #7 on the waitlist and they didn’t get accepted. So, feeling doubtful about the chances of  third kiddo getting in for K in the fall despite both older siblings being at Bell.

      • #16319 Reply

        All siblings got in last year, I believe. For all grade bands.

    • #16374 Reply

      my son is #11 for Chicago Academy. Any one have experience with that school. How far did the waitlist go?

      • #16375 Reply

        This is my first time hearing about this school (it looks nice!), but it looks to have a high acceptance rate according to the school details page:


        Click on the admissions tab and check out the ‘application information’ column on the right.

        • #16379 Reply

          It’s a great school. I should have mentioned my son is in kindergarten. He’s currently in pre-K there. The elementary is much smaller classes than the high school. There are 56 seats!

    • #16395 Reply

      My son got waitlisted in all 13 of our choice schools and 1 for our selective enrollment.

      We are #5 wait-list for Bell (first grade).

      #13 wait-list for Disney

      Anyone have any idea on chances for movement and how it has been in the past at either of those?

    • #16504 Reply

      We are Tier 4 applying for Kindergarten. Our lottery results are below. We were told Ogden accepted 15-20 off waitlist last year for K. Any parents have an opinion on LaSalle vs Ogden for Kindergarten? Thanks!

      Received an offer for Talcott and LaSalle.

      Ogden 4 General

      Newberry 1 Proximity

      Suder 4

      Sabin Dual Language 9 General

      Sabin Magnet World Language 19 Proximity

      LaSalle II 53 Proximity

      Pritzker 212 General

      Skinner West 580 General

    • #16505 Reply
      Agnes Fong

      Hi there, I live within Ogden neighborhood but chose to send my 2 kids (k and 3rd) to lasalle language academy. We love lasalle, it’s a smaller school with a close knit community. It was important for our family to have daily foreign language in the curriculum and LaSalle provides that. We have quite a few prior Ogden families switching to LaSalle so I think that says something about our school. There is one more school tour lasalle is offering, it will be great for you to visit and learn more. Feel free to direct message me too, happy to answer any questions.

      • #16507 Reply

        Thanks! We were able to tour both schools. Both solid but we are leaning LaSalle because of daily language instruction, vibe and energy of the place, really liked the principal and every teacher we met, got straightforward answers about the school and what a typical day is like, and of course that outdoor setup!

    • #16508 Reply
      Agnes Fong

      I think lasalle’s kindergarten teachers are hosting new k students tomorrow? Hope you and your child are able to join!!



    • #16528 Reply

      What’s the typical kindergarten class size you’ve been seeing for next year? Hawthorne is shifting from 3 kindergarten classes to 2, each with 32 students. This seems awfully high. CPS policy says 27-29 K students per class. Any thoughts? Thanks!

      • #16529 Reply

        Well there are no teachers so unfortunately this is where we’re at. Until we can figure out teacher burn out and get these parents under control, this is it.

        Unfortunately, until we place higher value on what these teachers are doing, this is the end result.

    • #16587 Reply

      We were waitlisted at all 5 of our pre-K selections (4YO), any idea of our chances of getting off a waitlist for any of the following?

      Beaubian-15 (this is our districted school)



      Norwood Park-24

      Also, I have heard mixed things about Wildwood… would it be worth getting off their list and trying for another option?

      This is our first time around and we were definitely a bit deflated. I know that we weren’t guaranteed to get our top options but nothing in the city’s info seemed to indicate that we might not get a spot at at all…

      • #16622 Reply

        I was offered a pre-K spot at wildwood. I accepted but will decline because my kid will stay in his private school. What have you heard about wildwood? We were considering moving into the attendance boundary for kinder. Have you heard anything about Sauganash or edgebrook elem?

    • #16589 Reply

      Is the round 2 waiting result out? Any update?

      • #16590 Reply

        It’s open. I’ve seen movement in only half of my choices. I added my child to a few additional waitlists as well.


    • #16593 Reply

      Has Rolling Waitlist been opened? I see I can click on “Rolling Waitlist”, but I cannot add my son to any of the Selective enrollment or Classical schools. We have been given an offer to one RGC, but declined it and now wanted to get on waitlist for other schools, but it does not work for me. Does anyone have the same issue?

      • #16623 Reply

        You should contact OAE if you’re still having this issue. I would suggest e-mailing instead of calling.

    • #16631 Reply

      Challenged with a decision between Prescott (accepted) and LaSalle Language Academy (offered yesterday) and Hamilton (offered today) for an incoming kindergartener tomorrow morning. Does anyone have any insight on these schools? We are at Alcott for PreK and love it, but are currently waitlisted at 111 (down significantly from 260). Thanks so much!

      • #16632 Reply

        Hamilton all the way. I have heard not great things about La Salle and Prescott is a mixed bag. Hamilton also has very high attainment scores on go cps (in downloads section).

      • #16649 Reply

        Hi, LaSalle mom here. Last year we were in exact same boat as you: our offers were Prescott, Hamilton, and we were low on WL for LaSalle. After touring all schools and speaking with parents/teachers we accepted Hamilton but were focused and hoped for LaSalle which we ended up getting a spot in).

        Decision was not easy as all schools were great.

        After one year I can share that I recognized that LaSalle has very strong academics and devoted teachers. Principal Graves is wonderful and extremely dedicated to his role. What was the final and important factor in making our decision: diversity. It was just a no-brainer: we wanted our kid to be in a highly equitable school environment from both cultural and racial perspective. Kiddo loves the school, teachers, is challenged and every day goes to school with excitement. At age six kiddo is reading Level 3 books at home and enthusiastically explains components of simple machines 🙂 All thanks to what their exposed to at school.


      • #16688 Reply

        If you’re in Alcott for Pre-K now you have to re-lottery into Alcott for K?  newbie question this is our first year in the process.

    • #16633 Reply

      I have 2 kids at LaSalle Language Academy; I love the school, language component is very important to me and they have daily language class. Absolutely love the community here, we just had a volunteer appreciation breakfast held by teachers and staff for us (the teachers cooked and brought breakfast, how cool is that!!) and the community is tight knit and involved. Our 8th graders received top schools acceptance (Payton, Whitney, jones etc) , honestly it is really about the fit , how your child and family feels.

    • #16665 Reply

      My daughter is entering K and our neighborhood school is Pulaski. We’ve been offered a spot at Burr. Any Burr families with insights to share? Burr seems significantly smaller but the personalized learning approach is appealing for us.

    • #16668 Reply

      Hi, Can anyone please send me([email protected]) the current bus transportation Route Schedules for Pritzker? Couldn’t find it anywhere. Thank you!

    • #16727 Reply

      As it’s been a few weeks since the rolling waitlist opened on May 22, I thought I would share our new waitlist numbers here since it was helpful for me to see waitlist movement from previous years threads. I would love to know how some of you are faring as well, so please share 🙂

      We are kindergarten, Tier 4. Original waitlist numbers are in parentheses.

      Chicago World Language (40) –> 21

      Galileo (3) –> offered then declined for Sheridan

      LaSalle I (45) –> 28

      LaSalle II (51) –> 30

      Sheridan (12) –> 1, then offered (Accepted)

      STEM (78) –> 54

      Chicago World was my first choice but Sheridan is such a strong option and closer to home. I would love to hear any personal experiences with Chicago World and Sheridan.


      • #16729 Reply

        Here’s ours.  Also applying for K and original waitlist number in parentheses:

        Hamilton (162) –> 91

        Alcott (69) –> 46

        Ravenswood (51) –> 42

        Hawthorne (49 Tier 4) –> 41 Tier 4

        Prescott (139) –> 97

        Nettelhorst (115) –> 72

      • #16795 Reply

        Stone (73)–>49 proximity

    • #16802 Reply

      I have 2 kids in LaSalle right now, both got sibling offers to Hawthorne for next year where my oldest kid is currently. I am really torn because what I absolutely love about LaSalle is the community/staff/teachers + foreign language daily but it seems like academically Hawthorne is a little stronger. All of them got offers to SEES that I declined because they’re further down south so the commute would’ve not worked for us.

      • #16803 Reply

        Tough spot to be in since they’re both good schools!

        My daughter attended a CPS Pre-k program at a diverse and coveted but academically weak neighborhood school that I would send her to in a heartbeat if she had an offer.  And I say this even though she was accepted to a strong and popular magnet school with a low acceptance rate for K.

        My reasons is that it’s more convenient – we can bike or walk to her previous school versus having to drive to the magnet. And she loves it there. I want her to be happy too. Comfort and fit goes a long way with how a child feels about education and themselves.

        While I am worried about the low test scores and lack of programming, I had already planned to enroll her in a afterschool math program for extra education, along with other opportunities along the way.

        Also, parents in the upper grades consistently express how  happy they are with the school.

        I would love to know what you ultimately decide for your kids. There’s still a chance my kid could get off the waitlist at her previous school and I am admittedly struggling with the idea of giving up a really good school for one I know is not the strongest. I don’t want to regret it.

        Good luck!

    • #16804 Reply
      Agnes Fong

      Hi Ali,

      i also have 2 kids at lasalle currently, absolutely love the community and foreign language aspect. I would say if you look at the statistics for lasalle’s past 2 years 8th grade graduates, more than 50% of the graduates ended up in SEES highschools, Jones, Whitney Young, Northside, Payton and Kenwood. So maybe test scorewise LaSalle is not as strong as some other schools but our graduates consistently get into top schools. i wouldn’t worry too much about the academics as such. My child also received Pritzker gifted program offer but we declined for next school year.


    • #16828 Reply

      Has anyone received any offers recently for non-entry grade levels?!

    • #16830 Reply

      We received an offer from Alcott 1 grade but declined.

    • #16833 Reply

      Grade 1 offers at



      Prescott (accepted for now)

    • #16845 Reply

      I’m looking for feedback about Drummond from current families. We have a reasonably low waitlist number for first grade. Wondering about school culture, SEL, academics. Thanks in advance!

      • #16846 Reply

        I have a kid at Drummond for a few years now and we love it. If you are interested in Montessori education, they really do their best to keep to that curriculum even though they have to jump through some hoops to be in CPS. If you don’t know about montessori, I can just say that it’s a very child-led, hands-on type of curriculum and the kids at Drummond are able to work well independently and that skill translates so well to high school and college. As for the environment, we’ve had great experiences. The school is very well organized and thoughtful about SEL and community. The only downside has been that it is a very small school so they don’t have all the programming that a bigger school might have. There’s some after school stuff but sometimes they don’t have enough kids to do certain things. There’s plus sides to being a small school but it’s worth mentioning.

        When my kid got in it was a bit like winning the lottery and that has remained true. It’s a gem!

        • #16848 Reply

          This is really helpful and thanks for speaking to all the points. It seems like they are really intentional about sticking to Montessori, which excites me! One follow up question in case you are open to answering is how traditional  academics might compare to a non Montessori school. I’m finding my kid is really into math and reading…wondering how that’s fostered, etc. Thanks in advance!!

          • #16849 Reply

            And another request Montessorimom if you are willing! Would love to know about how you experienced the teacher/student interactions in early years (grades 1-3). I feel like this is such an important factor and so hard to assess from a tour or website…thank you!!

    • #16865 Reply

      Anyone receive any last minute non-entry grade level offers this week or is it assumed no more spaces and try again next year? Thanks!

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by PitChi.
      • #16867 Reply

        Received today Edison RGC for 5th grade, score 141.
        Will be declining in case this information is helpful to someone waiting.

      • #16934 Reply

        Unfortunately, never received any offers.

    • #17473 Reply

      Does anyone know whether you have to stay at the same physical address if you got into a magnet school as a kindergartener (Stone Academy, Hawthorne, etc.) If a child got in because of his tier initially and then he moves with his family to a different address that is not within his initial tier, can he still continue attending that lottery-based program? Or is his spot dependent on his initial address/tier and his seat and his siblings’ seats are guaranteed only as long as he stays at that address?

      • #17475 Reply

        They can move and continue attending.

        • #17476 Reply

          Thank you. So it is not like in neighborhood schools where you have to live in the boundary all the time, correct?

          • #17581 Reply

            Yes, if you attend neighborhood you need to be in the boundary. I believe if you start the year living in the boundary of a neighborhood school, you can complete the school year but the next year you have to go to your new neighborhood school [unless you get in through the Magnet Cluster or out-of-boundary Choice waitlist on GoCPS, which is an online application process and only can happen if there is space]. There are also policies for parents who do not live together. All this info is on the CPS website.

            Magnet is different, once you enroll you just have to remain living in the city limit and you can stay.

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