CPS High School Admissions Test Required of All 9th Grade Applicants

Any current 8th grader interested in applying to CPS programs for 2024-2025 must take a High School Admissions Test. This applies to Selective Enrollment, International Baccalaureate, Magnet, CTE and Service Academy programs.

For current CPS 8th grade students, the test will be administered in their CPS school on Oct. 11, 2023. No pre-registration is required.

For non-CPS students, the first step is to register by Oct. 6 to take the test on either Oct 14, 15 or 21, 2023. Registration is done via a student’s portal at https://cps.schoolmint.com/login

More info at https://www.cps.edu/gocps/high-school/

Letter from CPS to 8th grade families:

Dear Rising 8th-Grade Families,

Prior to the start of the new school year, we want to provide you with helpful information and key updates for the GoCPS high school application process and the High School Admissions Test (HSAT). 

The GoCPS application will open at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, September 13, 2023, and all CPS eighth graders — District and charter — will take the HSAT in school on Wednesday, October 11. Registration is not required, as the test will be administered to all CPS eighth graders.

Students who do not attend CPS and are interested in applying to a CPS high school will take the HSAT at either Lane Tech High School or Lindblom High School on October 14, 15, or 21, 2023. Students who do not attend CPS will need to register for testing through the GoCPS application when it opens on September 13, 2023. The deadline to register for the test on October 14 or 15 is October 2, and the deadline to register for the test on October 21 is October 6.  

In order to provide more equitable access to all CPS programs, we are pleased to announce that next school year’s HSAT will be offered in English, Spanish, Arabic, Mandarin, Polish, and Urdu. This will open more doors of opportunity for our English Learner students. The test length has also been shortened to 60 minutes, responding to concerns that the test was overly burdensome. The content areas for the test are reading and math.

With these changes to the HSAT, the high school admissions scoring rubrics are under revision and will be available by the time the GoCPS application opens on September 13, 2023.

Families must submit GoCPS applications for the 2024-25 school year by Thursday, November 9, 2023 at 5 pm. Families are encouraged to apply to a range of options and rank those options in order of preference. HSAT scores will be released in early to mid-November, so they may not be available for these initial rankings. The GoCPS application will remain open for re-ranking ONLY until November 22, 2023 at 5 pm. Families may return to their previously submitted GoCPS applications during this period to re-rank their school choices based on their HSAT scores. However, no new school choices can be added or removed from an existing application, and no new GoCPS applications will be accepted after the deadline of November 9, 2023 at 5 pm. 

We will communicate additional details about the GoCPS application process by September 1, 2023. If you have questions in the meantime, please feel free to contact [email protected]. For questions about the HSAT, please contact [email protected].


The Office of Access and Enrollment

CPS 2024-2025 Application Window from 9/13/23 – 11/9/23

The CPS K-9th grade application process is beginning and ending earlier than ever. Applicants interested in a program outside of their assigned neighborhood school for 2024-2025 can apply to up to 20 Choice programs and up to 6 Selective Enrollment programs starting at 10am on Sept 13, 2023 and (currently) ending by 5pm on Nov 9, 2023. It is not “first come, first serve” so there is no need to rush to be the first applicant but be sure NOT to miss the application window when it closes on 11/9/23. For programs that require ranking choices, the ranking deadline is 11/22/23, but the original programs must have been added by 11/9/23. Read more at https://www.cps.edu/gocps/

Elementary School

  • SEPTEMBER 13th, 2023 – Application Period Opens
  • NOVEMBER 9th, 2023 – Application Period Closes
  • NOVEMBER 22nd – Re-rank Period Closes

High School

  • SEPTEMBER 13th, 2023 – Application Period Opens
  • OCTOBER 11th, 2023 – CPS High School Admissions Exam for CPS Students
  • OCTOBER 14-15, 21 – CPS High School Admissions Exam for Non-CPS Students
  • NOVEMBER 9th, 2023 – Application Period Closes
  • NOVEMBER 22nd, 2023 – Re-rank Period Closes

Sign up for helpful virtual GoCPS Application Family Training sessions during Sept-Nov in English & Spanish HERE.

Waitlists, Rolling Waitlists and What It All Means

Because there are so many schools, programs and options for schooling in Chicago, parents who apply to multiple programs may receive more than one offer. Because a student can only attend one school at a time, there actually can be a lot of movement in program availability throughout the summer and into the new school year. Both public (CPS) and private (parochial and independent) schools fill those changing seats by utilizing waitlists before school starts, and sometimes into the new school year.

For private schools, an unfilled seat is a missed tuition and similarly, each student at a public school comes with a per pupil funding amount (until the 20th day of school). Families can add or remove a student from a waitlist if desired during the Rolling Admission cycle.

Preschool (PK3 or PK4): Chicago Early Learning students can get up to one offer out of 5 ranked choices and will be waitlisted for any higher ranked schools they did not qualify for.

Elementary (K-8th grade): CPS applicants can get multiple offers at various Choice (non test-based, non-selective) programs in addition to up to one SEES (test-based, selective enrollment) offer, in addition to a guaranteed neighborhood K-8th grade seat.

For CPS 9th graders (high school), students can get up to one offer each for SEHS and Choice programs as well as a guaranteed neighborhood 9th-12th grade seat.

Private school applicants can get offers for multiple schools at once, too, but a student can only attend one school at a time. Therefore, public and private waitlist movement happens throughout late Spring into Summer and even Fall.

All CPS preschool, elementary, and 9th grade high school programs are using a rolling waitlist system as of late May 2023.

CPS’s new rolling waitlist is meant to simplify what was once a separate transfer process for K-9th grade as well as a separate late application. All CPS applicants can view their GoCPS portal to see which remaining programs have immediate seats to accept (green), which have an open waitlist to join (yellow), and which are full or have a low likelihood of an offer (red). Your student will only be shown programs they are eligible to receive an offer for based on whether they participated in any required admissions screenings and if they met the threshold.

Original waitlists are those programs that you applied to in the Initial Application Process (was open from 9/21/22-12/8/22) and if an offer was not received, students either were automatically waitlisted for any programs that were listed above their offer (for ranked applications such as preschool, selective enrollment or high school) or they can be on multiple, independent waitlists for K-8th grade Choice programs. More info HERE.

Rolling waitlists (updated nightly) will run through the summer into the 20th day of the new school year for Selective Enrollment (SE) programs, through January 2024 for K-9th grade Choice programs, and until Spring 2024 for Preschool programs. You can only be on a Selective Enrollment waitlist if you have not accepted any SE offer, and you can remain on the waitlists for up to 20 Choice K-9th grade programs. Applicants can choose to remove schools from a waitlist if they are no longer interested or can add themselves to a waitlist if desired. Waitlists will re-sort every evening and those based on a point system can cause a student’s waitlist position to go up or down depending on the scores of new waitlist students. Slidedeck about Offer/Waitlists HERE and more info on rolling waitlists HERE.

Because CPS is funded on a per pupil spending model and their budgeting is set by the 20th day of school, most waitlist movement is seen at the end of the summer, just before school starts. Neighborhood & magnet cluster schools typically refrain from calling waitlist families until close to the start of school (Aug 21) and that can affect all other waitlists as well. Families should be ready to accept or decline a spot within 2 business days from receiving a call.

Families may need to stay patient, but much movement happens toward the end of the summer as public & private waitlists become more active at that time. Good luck to all families and don’t be surprised if your child is offered a spot at the start of the school year.

GoCPS K-9th Grade Notification Dates for 2023-2024

From a recent cps.edu newsletter: Release Dates Announced for GoCPS Offers 

GoCPS is now in the final stages of preparing offers for the 2023–24 school year. High school offers will be released on Friday, March 24, 2023 after 5 p.m., and elementary school offers will be released on Friday, April 21, 2023 after 5 p.m. Families who have completed an application should log into their GoCPS accounts to make sure that all information is correct. For questions, please call (773) 553-2060 or email [email protected].

High School dates to note:

  • SEPTEMBER 21st, 2022 – Application Period Opens
  • OCTOBER 26th, 2022 – CPS High School Admissions Exam for CPS Students
  • NOVEMBER 5-6,12-13 – CPS High School Admissions Exam for Non-CPS Students
  • DECEMBER 8th, 2022 – Application Period Closes
  • MARCH 24th, 2023 – Results Released
  • MARCH 29th, 2023 – Principal Discretion Process Opens
  • APRIL 14th, 2023 – Accept/Decline Deadline
  • APRIL 14th, 2023 – Principal Discretion Application Closes
  • APRIL 24th, 2023 – Rolling Waitlist Process Opens
  • 2 BUSINESS DAYS AFTER OFFER ISSUED – Waitlist Accept/Decline Deadline
  • APRIL 28th, 2023 – Principal Discretion Results Released

Elementary School dates to note:

  • SEPTEMBER 21st, 2022 – Application Period Opens
  • DECEMBER 8th, 2022 – Application Period Closes
  • APRIL 21st, 2023 – Results Released
  • MAY 12th, 2023 – Accept/Decline Deadline
  • MAY 22nd, 2023 – Rolling Waitlist Process Opens
  • 2 BUSINESS DAYS AFTER OFFER ISSUED – Waitlist Accept/Decline Deadline

    Attend a virtual family training session to understand how to accept an offer, join a waitlist, and more: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScP4nL-dceMEg04Sa-rWK49DyJGDYYr_CHcpo8KOR2z3QLHxQ/viewform

    GoCPS Deadline for Fall 2023 Extended to 12/8/22 @ 5pm

    The GoCPS Kindergarten through 9th grade application portal for 2023-2024 has been extended to Thursday, December 8th at 5pm. https://www.cps.edu/gocps/

    A Reality Check on School Rankings

    A parent’s school search typically starts by sitting down at the computer and typing in “Best Elementary/High Schools” in your area. The results are populated with hits from sources such as GreatSchools, Niche, Schooldigger or School Sparrow, but what do these results mean, and should parents just add the #1 school to their list while ignoring the other schools closer or more familiar to them? How reliable are the ratings and how should a parent use them?

    The fact of the matter is that school ratings and rankings are a very messy, very inexact method to quantify schools. Because they are summarized in a “number” or “grade” or listed in a “ranking order”, parents tend to put undue emphasis on ratings/rankings yet aren’t aware of what is being measured. While test scores are typically the largest component to rankings, “School Fit” is much more than test performance and is ultimately a very personal matter that can even vary within a family from child to child. What truly qualifies as “best” for one family may not be well suited to another. While it is understandable that parents need some metric to start with, the metrics used can be skewed, out of date, or not reflective of the cohort your family will be entering the school with. 

    Common misunderstandings of rankings:

    • Ratings typically put the greatest emphasis on test scores, so better resourced families often have higher test scores and those family resources continue to benefit their children throughout their education
    • Ratings/rankings are not set in stone and can change as demographics in a school changes
    • Ratings typically reflect 3rd to 8th grade, so younger families should be wary of looking at metrics that may include a very different demographic than the one their family will be in school with
    • Ratings often lump in all programs within a school, so those with a higher population of students with learning needs may still be a great or even better option for your student but the “rankings” may not reflect the level of supports
    • Schools can and do change and schools in gentrifying areas may have more resources added to the school by the time your family will be attending

    Using rankings and ratings to be the first or only metric in choosing a school can also serve to negatively suppress positive changes at a school. Instead, we highly recommend that families tour their local school or those near them as well as talk to families with children their age who may have older siblings at the school. Reaching out to a school’s parent group or attending local school council (LSC) meetings is also a great way to get the “real time” scoop on a school. 

    It is somewhat pre-ordaining to use rankings to choose a school because if test scores are a big factor in ratings/rankings, then children who have advantages and resources from birth are certainly going to test better overall and the schools near them will reap the benefits of well resourced students and parents. While new parents may be more swayed by rankings, eventually parents come to realize that academics alone are not a single trait to look for in a school and social emotional factors as well as culture, climate and community are just as impactful yet are hard to capture in objective metrics because they are inherently more subjective. School visits can be invaluable to dispel pre-conceptions or help a family picture themselves in a school, but people gravitate toward or crave the easier route of following rankings.

    Parents who blindly follow blanket rankings/ratings may well pass up a school their student could grow and thrive at in favor of one that a 3rd party metric says is 10 spots “above” the other school yet that family needs to drive across town to attend. In the end there may not be any marked difference in outcome for their particular child attending one or the other, but the lifestyle impact is can be much greater at the farther school. One school’s overall scores may be lower because it serves a broader range of backgrounds or has more special needs students, but that doesn’t mean your child’s success can happen only from one and not the other. What your child can achieve and what they score on an exam does NOT have to be the “average” number. Ultimately, the greatest arbiter of student success is parent involvement in their children’s lives beyond one school over another school, public or private, city or suburbs.

    Article from https://www.npnparents.org/articles/a-reality-check-on-school-rankings-r410/

    2022 Hidden Gems High School Fair

    “Hidden Gems” Public & Private Chicago High School Fair

    SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2022 FROM 1-4PM 
    161 W. 9TH ST, CHICAGO 60605

    Attendee Registration is open! Register HERE
    View our growing list of 2022 schools and businesses HERE 

    Knowing how to cast your net wide and increase your options is KEY to a successful Chicago high school search. Join Chicago School GPS as we bring together over 35 participating public, private and boarding high schools & resources, each with unique qualities that you may not have known about prior to coming to our Hidden Gems Fair.  PLUS, you can meet helpful resource vendors and partake in informative breakout sessions that will give you clarity on the high school process.  Join us for an afternoon designed to make your high school journey a successful one!

    Program begins at 1pm with high schools showcasing what makes them unique, and breakout sessions begin at 1:45pm.  Fair ends at 4pm.

    Our invaluable breakout sessions offer insights for Middle School Parents and Students on topics such as:

    • Navigating the private & public high school admissions process
    • High School Entrance Exam Insights (includes CPS HSAT, HSPT & ISEE)
    • Private school scholarship opportunities & resources
    • International Baccalaureate Programs Demystified
    • Executive Functioning Strategies

    Tours of the British International School of Chicago will be available.

    Thank You to our 2022 Venue Sponsor:
    Thank You to our 2022 Presenting Sponsors:
    Thank You to our 2022 Major Sponsors:

    CPS Application Dates for Fall 2023 Set For 9/14/22 – 12/2/22

    CPS Announced that GoCPS will be accepting applications for Fall 2023 entry from Wed, Sept 14th to Fri, Dec 2nd. From https://www.cps.edu/GoCPS

    Elementary School (K-8th grade programs including Suder & Drummond 3 & 4 year old programs) https://www.cps.edu/gocps/elementary-school/

    September 14th, 2022 – Application Period Opens
    December 2nd, 2022- – Application Period Closes
    TBD- Results Released
    TBD- Accept/Decline Deadline
    TBD- Waitlist Process Opens
    2 BUSINESS DAYS AFTER OFFER ISSUED- Waitlist Accept/Decline Deadline

    High School (9th grade entry) https://www.cps.edu/gocps/high-school/

    September 14th, 2022- Application Period Opens
    October 26th, 2022- CPS High School Admissions Exam for CPS Students
    11/5-6, 11/12-13 – CPS High School Admissions Exam for Non-CPS Students
    December 2nd, 2022- Application Period Closes
    TBD- Results Released
    TBD- Principal Discretion Process Opens
    TBD- Accept/Decline Deadline
    TBD- Principal Discretion Application Closes
    TBD- Waitlist Process Opens
    2 BUSINESS DAYS AFTER OFFER ISSUED- Waitlist Accept/Decline Deadline
    TBD- Principal Discretion Results Released

    Universal Free PreK Available to all 4 year olds

    If your child will be 4 by Sept 1, 2022, then get ready to apply to FREE Universal PreK at ChicagoEarlyLearning.org starting at 9am on 4/19/22. Parents can choose up to 5 program sites. (Families of 3 year olds can also apply but these programs are mostly hosted by community based organizations and not housed in schools.) The application will be open for an Initial Application Period until mid-May. Then a single offer notification will be sent to parents upon which they can decide to accept or reject the offer. Families will stay on a waitlist for any program they listed higher than the one they were offered. Families who did not participate in the Initial Application Period can apply on a rolling basis starting mid-May.

    • Up to 5 program sites must be ranked in order of preference
    • Families will receive a single offer only
    • Placement based on priority points for need, siblings, neighborhood & proximity
    • 4 y.o. programs hosted mostly at CPS sites, 3 y.o. programs at community sites
    • No more tuition based preschool, all programs free or minimal fee by income
    • Most programs are Full day (7 hr/day) and follow the CPS calendar (see below)
    • Students at a 4 y.o. site may be given priority for Kindergarten via GoCPS app
    • Application assistance available at Family Resource Centers

    GoCPS Fall 2022 Application Closes 12/15/21 @ 5pm

    Families interested in Chicago Public School programs for 3 year olds through 9th grade for the 2022-2023 school year must submit applications by 5pm on Wednesday, Dec. 15, 2021 at https://cps.schoolmint.com/login.

    • If your child will be 3 by Sept 1, 2022, then they can submit a CHOICE (lottery based) application for Drummond & Suder.
    • If your child will be 4 by Sept 1, 2022, then they can submit a CHOICE (lottery based) application for Inter-American.
    • If your child will be 5 by Sept 1, 2022 or applying to grades K-8, then they can submit up to 20 CHOICE (lottery) elementary applications for magnet, magnet cluster, and open enrollment elementary schools AND they can submit up to 6 SELECTIVE ENROLLMENT (test based) elementary applications for Classical and Regional Gifted Programs, as well as up to 6 Academic Centers (7th & 8th grade). Selective enrollment options will need to be ranked in order of preference and a test date must be scheduled. Elementary Choice programs do not have to be ranked and no test is required.
    • If your child is applying to 9th grade, then they can choose up to 20 CHOICE high school programs (some high schools have multiple programs within them such as International Baccalaureate, CTE, fine arts, magnet, etc) and up to 6 SELECTIVE ENROLLMENT programs. Both CHOICE and SELECTIVE ENROLLMENT high schools options must be ranked in order of preference, as as a single offer is given for each type. In many cases, a CPS HS Admissions Test must also be taken, and in some cases, additional screenings are required.

    This is also the deadline to add or subtract schools and re-rank any Selective Enrollment or high school choices. Any CPS testing dates must be requested by this deadline as well.

    Notifications should arrive in the spring, with high school notifications coming a month before elementary notifications. More information and FAQs for preschool, elementary and high school at https://go.cps.edu/

    One’s neighborhood school is always guaranteed and does not require an application.