CPS Round 2 High School Applications due 5/21/21

If your 8th grader missed applying to CPS this year or would like to apply to any programs that still have open spots after Round 1 ended, then NOW is the time to apply for Fall 2021 9th grade spots.  

Participating programs are here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oP1DuhuzrIip37qn4vOqPyqRMj5NdY9VkbNXzOiQowA/edit#gid=0

Applications are here: https://cps.schoolmint.net/signup

This is from https://go.cps.edu/high-school/learn#RoundTwoWaitlist 


“A second round of applications will be opened shortly after the Round 1 application acceptance deadline. However, the only programs available in Round 2 will be the ones that still have remaining seats after Round 1.

Families can accept a Round 1 offer and still participate in Round 2. However, if the student receives a second-round offer, they will automatically forfeit their Round 1 offer. Because of this, families are cautioned to only apply to programs in Round 2 that they would prefer more than the Round 1 offer they accepted.”

Spring 2019- CPS High School Notification Links

Results finally came out after a jam in the online notification portal, but here are some relevant links to study at your leisure.

Round 1 SEHS Cutoff Scores: https://cps.edu/SiteCollectionDocuments/gocps/GoCPS_Cutoff_SEHS_2019.pdf

Round 1 Choice (Non-selective) Cutoff Scores: https://cps.edu/SiteCollectionDocuments/gocps/GoCPS_Cutoff_Choice_2019.pdf

SEHS Principal’s Discretion Handbook (this allows an SEHS Principal to select 5% of the freshman class via a holistic admissions method): https://cps.edu/SiteCollectionDocuments/gocps/PrincipalDiscretionHandbook.pdf

SEHS Principal’s Discretion FAQs: https://cps.edu/SiteCollectionDocuments/gocps/PrincipalDiscretionFAQs.pdf

GoCPS also has some helpful videos to aide in understanding how to interpret the results: https://go.cps.edu/high-school/selection

Good luck to the 8th graders! Wherever you end up, make the most of your time there as high school breezes by so quickly!