CPS 2019-2020 Applications are Now Open!

From now until Dec 14, 2018, you can go to www.go.cps.edu and learn about applying to CPS programs from Preschool to High School.  The applications are open and you can apply to schools and schedule testing or admissions screenings until the December deadline.

Lots of helpful info at the following links:


Elementary FAQs

High School FAQs

Remember, you can apply for up to 6 Selective Enrollment (test based) schools but must rank your choices and you will get a single offer.

You can also choose up to 20 non-selective (now called “Choice Programs”) lottery schools but elementary has no ranking and multiple offers while high school you do need to rank and it is single offer.  Good luck!

Note: CPS Tiers also change each year on October 1st, so check your tier by entering your address at https://go.cps.edu/search.  They can go up, down or stay the same each year.

CPS End of Year Citywide Options Program

From go.cps.edu


Families who are still seeking elementary school options for the 2018-19 school year will have another chance to apply to elementary schools during the End-of-Year Citywide Options Program. This paper application process will feature high-quality magnet, magnet cluster and open enrollment schools, including three new STEM Magnet schools at Claremont, Jungman and W. Brown; as well as one new STEAM Magnet program at Southwest Chicago (Sor Juana). You can still apply during this application period if you have already accepted an elementary school offer or are on any elementary school waitlists.  The End-of-Year application will be available from May 28 – June 1, 2018.

End-of-Year Applications Click HERE.