Early Entry to Kindergarten Test

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    • #10451 Reply

      Does anyone have a child that took this test? How did it go? Did anyone get results back? How long was your child in the exam room?

    • #10452 Reply
      Chicago Born

      My child took the regular entrance to kindergarten. January birthday.  Waiting on results coming end of April.  Test time was 33 minutes.

    • #10453 Reply

      Just want to clarify.   You child tested for SEES/classical and is 5 on Sept 1st?

    • #10454 Reply

      Sorry learning how to use this site…
      above comment was for @chicago born

      Just want to clarify.   You child tested for SEES/classical and is 5 on Sept 1st?

    • #10455 Reply
      Chicago Born

      Yes. My child will be 5 by Sept 1st.  Turned 5 in January.  Did not take early entrance,  took regular.

    • #10456 Reply
      Chicago Born

      When did your child test? They will not be 5 on Sept 1st. They have to take 2 test correct?

    • #10458 Reply

      My child tested today. Will not be 5 on Sept 1st. It’s for entry to k in 2020 for kids turning 5 between Sept 1-Dec 31st. I believe the testing was in Feb and March.

      We are testing for two different things.



    • #10459 Reply

      Sorry, should have also mentioned (as you asked) there were two rounds of tests. Passed first round, so on to round 2. There might have been additional tests if we also wanted to apply for SEES. However we are getting a percentage for cognitive, reading, and math. So I am very suspicious that the test that they are administering is actually the SEES/classical test. Kids testing would be between 4 years 2 months and 4 years 6 months.

      my child is 4 years 2 months and was with tester for 45 minutes. Not sure when we will get scores back!

    • #10460 Reply
      Chicago Born

      Another parent posted here about not selecting SEES for early entry and was wondering if they could now since their child’s score met the requirements.  See link.  This parent could probably answer some of your questions.  Good luck!

      Didn’t select sees or classical . Can I add schools now

    • #10462 Reply
      Chicago Born
    • #10471 Reply

      Got our scores back and they were 99.9 cognitive, 99.9 reading, and 99.7 math. We did not add selective enrollment to the application. We had made a decision prior to this testing on sat, that we were not going to though with the early enrollment. With these scores, I’m hoping we are making the right decision!!  We didn’t test prep or anything like that. I’m really kicking myself that we didn’t add selective enrollment to the application, as I found out today that my child would have had to do another round of tests after getting above 91st percentile on this round.

      Really looking forward to feedback from anyone that is doing the selective enrollment testing as part of the early k process. Looking forward to seeing if early enrollment scores and early k scores correlate. I’m dying to know what her scores would have been, as that would be super helpful for fall testing!! Ugggg!

    • #10472 Reply
      Chicago Born

      Those are very high scores. Congratulations!  Im confused why would your child need to do another round of test?  Did your child take the selective enrollment test and these are their scores or are these scores from a different test type? What did they mean by another round?

    • #10473 Reply
      Chicago Born

      Reading your previous comments seems like it was not SEES. Wow! So early entrance children have to take up to 3 tests?

      So do you think your scores are for kindergarten readiness and not regional gifted centers/classical schools?

    • #10474 Reply
      Chicago Born

      Do you think these are scores from the academic and cognitive evaluation? Then your child still needs to be given the SEES test for the RGC and Classical kindergarten programs?  Did they tell you your child can take that test still for this coming school year?

    • #10475 Reply

      Correct, these scores are for Early entry to k, not for selective enrollment. They are cognitive, reading, and math skills in percentiles compared to other children my child’s same age in months. Test was administered by psychologist. 45 minutes.

      I don’t know what is on it, and how it compares to selective enrollment exams. I wish I knew!! I know there were some cognitive style questions and visual spatial activities, based on the limited information I was able to get from my child.

      Yes, if we had selected gifted or classical programs on our kindergarten application my child would go for another set of tests. First round was parent developmental survey, second round was a test with a psychologist (Scores I provided above were for this round) Third round would have been another test with a psychologist.

      No, we can not modify our application at this point to include selective enrollment schools. I’m kicking myself that we didn’t, so I would have a glimpse into our future in the fall if my child takes the selective enrollment test with same age peers.  I didn’t add them because I didn’t want my child going into a selective enrollment school at 4 years old doing 1st/2nd grade work. Would I at 5? Probably! But I just want to let my child be a kid and have fun. I like, and dislike the idea of early enrollment period. We will not be pushing my child now, or ever. We didn’t prep for this test at all. My child does some light academics at preschool. Mostly stuff my child knew before enrollment. My child has been very precocious since birth, and has learned concepts easily. So even though we have reviewed some math (based on interest) and my child is reading, we don’t drill and teach.  We really just play And have fun!! I’m not surprised by the scores, but also because in the last year we mostly refined prior skills I wasn’t quite expecting such high scores!My child has mostly been interested in pretend play in the last year.  I’m glad we didn’t because the results are not skewed from hot housing! I do believe that my child will need some kind of acceleration or above grade level work when it’s time to start school. I had that feeling prior to this test.

      I’m looking forward to hearing from other parents on how their child scored on early k relative to selective enrollment testing.

    • #10476 Reply


      Ok, understood.  So it sounds like the parents had a survey and then your child has taken only one test so far.  And if applied to SEES they take another test. For a second, I thought your child had to take three test.  But the first was a parent survey.


    • #11519 Reply

      Can anyone share what to expect for the academic and cognitive test for early entrance to Kindergarten?  I wanted to know how long the test lasts and any other helpful information.  I’m taking my almost 5 year old tomorrow and just wanted to try to prepare her for what the experience is like.

    • #11521 Reply


      The classic test is more so testing about how much exposure to early math such as: 3 birds on a wire two fly away how many are on the wire now? Where do we buy bread at? Or what do we call the person who delivers our mail? also some sight words ?

      The ” gifted” test is about how do you think paper folding and hole punching and determine what pattern it will show once you unfold the paper. Pattern recognition, cut out shapes how they fit together basically puzzles and etc,.

    • #11522 Reply

      Thank you @jazzman!  The test went well I think and we will find out more on Friday.  Appreciate your response!

    • #11530 Reply
      Veronica Estrada

      I was really upset because my son tested out and the math test score was 88,  cognitive 97, and reading 99. Just because of the 88 he was not considered for Kindergarten. I feel there is more to be done at the early childhood centers to prepare kids in the math area. Honestly, I never thought that score was going to be the one affecting him. I want to learn more about how to prepare my son in all the academic areas, yet where he attended headstart their program did not offer such help. They only focused more on the cognitive level.

    • #11531 Reply

      which test ? gifted or classical also which schools did you choose and your tier level? those are all very high scores and your child is very bright no doubt. I recommend a book called verbal math vol 1 and 2 I think it really helped my child when he was applying for selective schools. Just make small adjustments nothing too radical or intense just keep it fun.

    • #11604 Reply
      Lobana Aslam

      Hello all….

      Can any one tell me how should I prepare my 4 and half year old daughter  for Selective enrollment  test. I am new to this and will realy  appreciate  it. Thanks

    • #15295 Reply

      I see this is an older thread but thought I’d chime in as it may help others.

      Accelerated Placement/Early Entry into Kindergarten are for students who turn 5 after the cut off date of Sept 1, so  between Sept 2 and Dec 31.

      Our young one’s birthday is mid-September.


      There are 3 steps in the process for SY22-23.

      1) Fill out Application by Dec 14 (proof of 1 yr preschool, proof of age)

      2) Developmental Survey by Dec 23 (online survey completed by parents/guardians, 91 percentile to move on)

      3) Early Entrance Evaluation Testing Jan 21 (cognitive, reading, math, need be 91 percentile for each category. in-person testing with psychologist at CPS Garfield Park office. student must walk on their own back to office)

      4) Additional Step: If child scores above 91 percentile, the option to partake in SEES testing (mid-Feb)

    • #15296 Reply

      I actually got an email because of the last updated  post.. interesting! It inspired me to submit an update. I had posted above saying my daughter got a 99.9 cognitive 99.7 math and 99.9 reading on the early enrollment test. She ended up taking the SEES test the following winter and got a 143 and 99 on math and 97 in reading and got into our first choice RGC in spring of 2021. And is in 1st grade now at that school. So it ended up working out. Hopefully this helps someone trying navigating the early entry process.

      • #15322 Reply

        Just wondering if you received any negative comments about pushing your child ahead. My child scored 97-99.7 on all 3 areas as well but everyone I have spoken to about entering K early has strongly discouraged it. Curious to know what your experience has been for your child socially and academically.

        • #15323 Reply

          For me, this would depend on my individual child’s personality/maturity level, as well as on their birthdate. One of my children has an early January birthday and the other is August, so neither could have participated in this process. But my oldest (early Jan) is just days past the cutoff, and had she been a late December baby, I can’t imagine having wanted her to start K early. Academically she probably would have been fine, but she was otherwise absolutely not ready for Kinder.

          I was worried that being one of the youngest in the class would be tough for my August child, but by the time they actually got to Kinder, I felt like they were ready (just like I started to feel like my January kid probably could have handled Kindergarten by the time she hit her final few months of PK4).

          If your child is just a few days or weeks past the cutoff, I honestly would say go for it (as long as *you* don’t have any particular concerns about their maturity or developmental/social readiness). If they were born in November or (especially) December, then I’d hold back.

      • #19256 Reply

        @bpmommy can you pls tell me how long your kid was with the examiner in selective enrollment exam?
        My kid passed early entrance with 98 in cognitive, 99 in maths and 99.6 in english. He gave the see exam last Friday.

    • #15298 Reply

      @sloopbaba – did your child test for early access this year? We’re scheduled for 2/4. Just seeing if you had any words of wisdom from your experience. My daughter also has a Sept birthday. Thank you!

    • #16837 Reply
      Shervon Coleman

      My niece’s mom died in May. She turns 5 January 8th. Is there anything we can do to get her into Kindergarten in January? We didn’t know about the May deadline. Any tips are appreciated. I was thinking we could ask the current principal for assessment and have her moved. My brother is lost on this whole process.

      • #16838 Reply

        If she doesn’t turn 5 until 1/8, she wouldn’t have been eligible anyway. Students have to turn 5 by 12/31 in order to apply. Why not just apply for full-day PreK? Or if she seems advanced and you want her to be challenged, apply for Gifted and Classical kindergarten programs for 2024-25 when the GoCPS application opens this fall.

      • #16839 Reply

        Agreed with the above response and just want to add that it becomes a scantron exam at 1st grade to my knowledge. So familiarity with that style of exam would be helpful.

        • #16840 Reply

          Sorry wrong post site. Pls ignore.

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