CPS 2022-2023 Applications are Now Open

Chicago Public Schools are now accepting applications for the 2022-2023 school year until Dec. 15, 2021. Families can explore https://go.cps.edu/ to learn about the school options and request an account at https://cps.schoolmint.com/login. One account per family and each student can be added as they become eligible to apply to CPS programs. A CPS Student ID can be requested through the portal for any student not already in the CPS system.

Always apply one year before a program begins, and CPS has a Sept 1st cutoff date to be eligible for preschool through 1st grade programs. An “age exception” is provided only for families with a fall birthday child who wants to start K or 1st grade early.

You do NOT have to apply to your assigned neighborhood school and there is never a deadline to register at your neighborhood school. For all other programs, including a neighborhood school that is not your own, CPS allows for “Open Enrollment” and you can apply to programs for which your student is age-eligible or meets a pre-requisite via a GoCPS CHOICE (up to 20 lottery or minimal criteria based admission programs) and/or SEES (up to 6 ranked test based admission programs) application. Read more about CPS school types here: Elementary and High School.

Scoring rubrics have been updated for this application cycle to reflect the discontinuation of NWEA MAP testing for 5th through 9th grade programs. There are no scoring rubrics and no cutoffs will be posted for K-8th grade Classical or Regional Gifted Center Selective Enrollment programs.

Find helpful CPS FAQ’s on the application process HERE: https://go.cps.edu/about-gocps/faq/elementary (be sure to click on the proper tab: HS, Elem or Preschool)Each student can apply up to 20 CHOICE programs (multiple offers for elementary programs listed in no particular order, and single offer for ranked high school programs) AND up to 6 ranked Selective Enrollment programs (single offer for elementary or high school). If testing is required, you will be asked to choose a test date AFTER you choose the school programs that require testing.Good luck to families applying for Fall 2022 CPS programs! More info at https://go.cps.edu/about-gocps

CPS High School Admissions Test Dates Announced


Beginning this year, the Chicago Public Schools will not use the NWEA MAP exam for the GoCPS eligibility or selection process for any schools or programs. For students applying to ninth grade, no schools or programs will have minimum eligibility requirements based on NWEA. Instead, a single admissions exam, the CPS High School Admissions Test, will be available for all students.

The CPS High School Admissions Test will be available to all current CPS students applying to ninth grade on Tuesday, November 9th, 2021. Students will take the exam at their school during the school day.

The CPS High School Admissions Test will be available to all non-CPS students applying to ninth grade at a designated CPS location on the following dates:

  • Saturday, November 13th, 2021
  • Sunday, November 14th, 2021
  • Saturday, November 20th, 2021
  • Sunday, November 21st, 2021

Registration information for all students will be forthcoming.

For Non-CPS students, these are the four testing dates for this application cycle. Please hold these dates now to ensure that you are available to test if you are planning to apply to a CPS high school.

Using one test will streamline the GoCPS application process by decreasing the number of exams required, and allowing the same single exam to be applied to the selection processes for all programs, where applicable.

For students applying to fifth through eighth grades, eligibility to take the admissions exam(s) for academic centers, classical schools and regional gifted centers will be based on GPA. Dates for these exams will be released at a later date.

We look forward to a great year ahead, and our staff is here to support your family through the application process. You can contact our office by phone at 773-553-2060, or via email at [email protected].

See below for an informational webinar and FAQs on the admissions process for the 2022-2023 school year.INFORMATIONAL WEBINAR

This was from https://go.cps.edu/admissiontest/high-school

2021 VIRTUAL Hidden Gems High School Fair 9/26/21 @ 1-4pm

Registration now open for the 2021 VIRTUAL Hidden Gems High School Fair!


Click here to view 2021 school and business exhibitors


$15 for the whole family, and fee waivers are available upon request.

Knowing how to cast your net wide and increase your options is KEY to a successful Chicago high school search. Join Chicago School GPS as we bring together over 35 participating schools, each with unique qualities that you may not have known about prior to coming to our Hidden Gems Fair.  PLUS, you can meet helpful resource vendors and partake in informative breakout sessions that will give you clarity on the high school process.  Join us for an afternoon designed to make your high school journey a successful one!

Program begins at 1pm with high schools showcasing what makes them unique, and breakout sessions begin at 2:00pm.  Fair ends at 4pm.

Our invaluable breakout sessions offer insights for Middle School Parents and Students on topics such as:

  • Navigating the private & public high school admissions process
  • High School Entrance Exam Insights (includes SEHS, HSPT & ISEE)
  • Private school scholarship opportunities & resources
  • International Baccalaureate Programs Demystified
  • Executive Functioning Strategies
Thank You to our generous 2021 Presenting Sponsor:

CPS Round 2 High School Applications due 5/21/21

If your 8th grader missed applying to CPS this year or would like to apply to any programs that still have open spots after Round 1 ended, then NOW is the time to apply for Fall 2021 9th grade spots.  

Participating programs are here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oP1DuhuzrIip37qn4vOqPyqRMj5NdY9VkbNXzOiQowA/edit#gid=0

Applications are here: https://cps.schoolmint.net/signup

This is from https://go.cps.edu/high-school/learn#RoundTwoWaitlist 


“A second round of applications will be opened shortly after the Round 1 application acceptance deadline. However, the only programs available in Round 2 will be the ones that still have remaining seats after Round 1.

Families can accept a Round 1 offer and still participate in Round 2. However, if the student receives a second-round offer, they will automatically forfeit their Round 1 offer. Because of this, families are cautioned to only apply to programs in Round 2 that they would prefer more than the Round 1 offer they accepted.”

Spring 2021 CPS High School Notification Links

The first round of CPS High School Notifications for 2021-2022 were released on April 30, 2021. Depending on whether an 8th grade student applied to test based Selective Enrollment High Schools (SEHS) and/or non-test based Choice High Schools (including IB, Magnet, CTE, Military, Charter, etc), a student can have up to 3 public high school choices: one offer for SEHS, one for Choice, and their neighborhood high school.

Any Round 1 offers must be accepted or declined by May 14, 2021. Waitlists will open on May 17, but families should understand that not all high schools go to a waitlist, including at least half of the SEHS.

1st Round Cutoff scores for 2021-2021 SEHS:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/14i_837GQCPcWnvU2feSN6mzPssnhVNDR/view

1st Round Cutoff scores for 2021-2021 Choice HS (note- not all programs have cutoff scores):  https://drive.google.com/file/d/14YCGhBy3uK4xiTxOG2mAjvOUd7Gp2SiR/view

SEHS Principal’s Discretion is only for students who applied to Selective Enrollment High Schools (SEHS) but would like to enter a holistic appeal process that allows an SEHS Principal to select 5% of the freshman class for another SEHS on their list. SEHS PD opens May 5 and closes May 19. Results will be posted the week of June 14. A packet of information detailing the steps and timing as well as helpful FAQs are linked from here: https://go.cps.edu/high-school/principal-discretion

The GoCPS Round 2 process is for any programs that have not filled their seats from Round 1. The programs offering Round 2 seats will be listed around May 17, and the Round 2 application opens on May 17 and closes on May 21. Results will be released on June 18.

Re-rank CPS 2020-2021 HS & SE Applications until 2/3/20

While applications for the first round of 2020-2021 Entry to Chicago Public Schools closed on 12/13/19, families can re-rank their selective enrollment and/or their high school Choice selections until Feb 3, 2020. Contact the Office of Access and Enrollment at 773-553-2060 or [email protected] for instructions on re-ranking

These ranked applications will only offer a single choice for each list (selective enrollment RGC/Classical, Academic Centers, SE schools and non-selective Choice high schools). A family’s neighborhood school never has a deadline for enrollment.

Elementary Choice (non-selective) programs such as magnet and open enrollment schools are not ranked. Families can get multiple offers for those elementary programs.

First round notifications for high schools will be released on March 27, 2020 and elementary schools will be released on April 24, 2020.

CPS 2020-2021 Applications are Open

Apply now to high school, elementary school, and 3 magnet preschools via www.go.cps.edu now through Dec. 13, 2019. https://go.cps.edu/about-gocps

CPS ES Notifications for 2019-2020

CPS Elementary notifications will come out on April 22 via the Go.CPS.edu portal or if you applied on paper, via mail. This includes first round notifications for the 4 magnet preschools, hundreds of elementary open enrollment, magnet, magnet cluster and several selective enrollment schools including Academic Centers. Good luck to all!

Round 1 Offers

APRIL 22, 2019

Round 1 – Offers Posted

MAY 6, 2019

Round 1 – Accept/Decline Deadline

MAY 10, 2019

Round 1 Waitlist Process Opens


Waitlist Accept/Decline Deadline

If families do not receive news of offers or missed the application deadline of December 2018, there is another opportunity to apply via an “End of Year Application” process:

End of Year Application

MAY 22, 2019

Applications Opens

MAY 29, 2019

Applications Closes

CPS 2019-2020 Applications are Now Open!

From now until Dec 14, 2018, you can go to www.go.cps.edu and learn about applying to CPS programs from Preschool to High School.  The applications are open and you can apply to schools and schedule testing or admissions screenings until the December deadline.

Lots of helpful info at the following links:


Elementary FAQs

High School FAQs

Remember, you can apply for up to 6 Selective Enrollment (test based) schools but must rank your choices and you will get a single offer.

You can also choose up to 20 non-selective (now called “Choice Programs”) lottery schools but elementary has no ranking and multiple offers while high school you do need to rank and it is single offer.  Good luck!

Note: CPS Tiers also change each year on October 1st, so check your tier by entering your address at https://go.cps.edu/search.  They can go up, down or stay the same each year.